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Home Travel in China China Travel Guide
China Travel Guide
Fuzhou West Lake
Travel in Fujian

Fuzhou West Lake

There are many West Lakes in China. Among them, Fuzhou West Lake is one of the most famous lagging behind Hanzhou West Lake on scale and fame yet is regarded typical in China. Fuzhou West Lake (Xīhú 西湖) Park is located at the foot of Wolong Mountain (Wòlóngshān 卧龙山) in northwest Fuzhou, Fujian Province. The west lake in Fuzhou was excavated in 282 A.D. by Yan Gao (Yán Gāo 严高), an official of Jing Dynasty. In late Tang Dynasty, it became widely known because of its beautiful scenery. During the period of Five Dynasties, an emperor built waterside pavilions around the lake and took it as his imperial garden. Later in Song Dynasty, it became a famous tourist attraction and abundant poets visited it and wrote many beautiful poems for it. In 1828 in Qing Dynasty, Lin Zexu (Lín Zéxú 林则徐), the anti-opium patriot restored the bank around the lake. The lake was publicized as West Lake Park.

Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall
Travel in Fujian

Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall

Zheng Chenggong Memorial Hall (Zhèng Chénggōng Jìniànguǎn 郑成功纪念馆) is built as Memorial Museum of Chinese celebrities. Establishment of it for the 300 anniversary of Taiwan return to the motherland in February 1962. Memorial Hall is Koxinga (Guóxìngyé 国姓爷) troops in the camp and command navy drilled so far there are still exists many celebrities pictures, Zhai Men sites and celebrity inscriptions. Located in the notable tourist attraction of Gulangyu Island in Xiamen of Fujian Province, It covers an area of more than 13,000 square meters, and the awing and mighty bronze bust of Zheng Chenggong (Zhèng Chénggōng 郑成功) is erected in the front of the Memorial Hall.

Gansu Travel Guide
Travel in Gansu


(gān sù 甘肃) is a province of the People's Republic of China, locatedin the northwest of the country. It is bordered by Mongolia (méng gǔ 蒙古), the autonomous regions of Xinjiang (xīn jiāng 新疆), Inner Mongolia (nèi méng gǔ 内蒙古), Ningxia (níng xià 宁夏), and the provinces of Shaanxi (shǎn xī 陕西), Sichuan (sì chuān 四川), and Qinghai (qīng hǎi 青海).It has an area of 141,500 square miles (366,500 square kilometers). The capital city is Lanzhou. Gansu has a multinational population which includes ethnic minority groups of Kazak (méng gǔ zú 哈萨克族), Mongolian (méng gǔ zú 蒙古族), Tibetan (zàng zú 藏族), Hui (huí zú 回族), Dongxiang (dōng xiāng zú 东乡族), Tu (tǔ jiā zú 土家族) and Manchu (mǎn zú 满族). Gansu is both blessed and cursed by nature. The province has fertile yellow earth that the Yellow River runs through, but the boundless Gobi desert also expands across other parts of the region. All in all, Gansu is a place worth for travel.

Regong Art
Travel in Qinghai

Regong Art
Originating in the Longwuhe River (lóng wù hé 隆务河) Valley of Qinghai Province which belongs to Tongren County (tóng rén xiàn 同仁县) of the Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture (huáng nán zàng zú zì zhì zhōu 黄南藏族自治州), Regong art (rè gòng yì shù 热贡艺术) is a successful mix of religious art by Tibetan and Tu ethnic minorities and local folk arts. To better protect the art, it was included in the second phase of the National Folk Culture Protection Project in April 2004. As an important genre in Tibetan Buddhism, the art has a history of more than 700 years. It is called “the flower on the Tibetan Plateau” and “a magnificent pearl of Chinese art”.

Kanbula National Forest Park
Travel in Qinghai

Kanbula National Forest Park

Located in the northwest of Jianzha County (jiān zhā xiàn 尖扎县), 131 kms from Xining, the Kanbula National Forest Park (kǎn bù lā guó jiā sēn lín gōng yuán 坎布拉国家森林公园) covers an area of 39.17 square km. The park is featured with its stone peaks of Danxia landform, forests and man-made sight. This scenic spot consists of hills, eroded hillock, and small basins among mountains, with 50 tourist attractions, of which Danxia landform, Buddhist temples, and Lijia Gorge Power Station (lǐ jiā xiá shuǐ diàn zhàn 李家峡水电站) are the highlights.Kanbula National Forest Park is an ideal place for sightseeing, worshiping, and summer resort. The weather amid the mountains can change very frequently. The middle segment of Nanzong Valley, which extends 5 km, should be the most beautiful place in the park.

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