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China Travel Guide
Beishan Park
Travel in Jilin

Beishan Park

Beishan Park (běi shān gōng yuán 北山公园) is a large, quiet park, situated in the west of Jilin. The park has many interesting features, and is considered an optimum venue for its summer lotus flowers and winter "rimy pines". Originally the park was established in 1927, but has undergone renovations and expansion many times since then. The park is reminiscent of many of the similar areas in Suzhou and Hangzhou, with pavilions, bridges, corridors and terraces well designed and scattered about among the hills. Three small linked lakes run along the foot of the main mountain, and it is possible to take a boat to the islet and pavilion in the center of the lake. In the northwestern corner of the park is a Mausoleum for Martyrs who died during the early Communist years, and the memorial hall has epigraphs by Chairman Mao and other high profile cadre members. The park is also famed for it many holy features. The religious and cultural features are prevalent here with Buddhist, Taoist and Confucian temples all around.
Songhua Lake
Travel in Jilin

Songhua Lake

The water of Songhua (sōng huā 松花) Lake is derived from the second Songhua River of Changbai Mountain (cháng bái shān 长白山). It is formed by the water which is held up by the Fengman (fēng mǎn 丰满) water power dam. Songhua Lake is as wide as 480 square km and as long as over 200 km. The lake has a narrow and long shape which is 10 km wide upside and only half a km downside, winding along the mountains all the way. The green seems to drip from the mountains and the green water appears graceful, the mountains are painted with five colors and the lake products are a feast for eyes. The surrounding forests are luxuriant and dense distributed with more than 600 kinds of plants and abundant wild animals. The lake is also abundant in fishes which are mainly famous for white fish and curia. The biggest winter sports training center- Green Mountain Skiing Ground is located here.
Jilin City - River City of the Northland
Travel in Jilin

Jilin City

Jilin City (jí lín shì 吉林市) is the second large city in Jilin Province and also the only city that has the same name with its province. Jilin was originally called "Jilin Wula (jí lín wū lā 吉林乌拉)", means "the city along the river" in Man language. It total area is 27,120 square kilometers and has a population of 4,514,000, the mainly Nationalities is Han and Man. Jilin City is rich in its tourism resources. Songhua Lake is recognized as the national tourist zone, the Jilin Rimed Trees are praised as one of the four nature wonders in China, and the Deer Farm is ranked as the national scenic spots in China. The Beidahu (běi dà hú 北大湖) Ski Resort is regarded as the largest and most advanced skiing ground with the most advantageous natural conditions for skiing. The Meteorite Museum has on display many samples of iron meteorites and stony iron and well as one of the largest stone meteorites in the world.
Puyang - Hometown of Chinese Dragons
Travel in Henan


(pú yáng 濮阳) is located in the northeast of Henan Province (hé nán shěng 河南省) on the lower reaches of the Yellow River. Within the province, it neighbors Xinxiang (xīn xiāng 新乡) in the southwest and Anyang (ān yáng 安阳) in the west. It is also bounded on the east by Shandong Province (shān dōng shěng 山东省) and neighbours Hebei Province (hé běi shěng 河北省) in the north.

Luohe - City of Food Production
Travel in Henan

Modern Luohe

Situated in south-central Henan Province (hé nán shěng 河南省), Luohe (luò hé 漯河) City is bordered by Zhoukou (zhōu kǒu 周口), Zhumadian (zhù mǎ diàn 驻马店), Pingdingshan (píng dǐng shān 平顶山) and Xuchang (xǔ chāng 许昌) in the east, south, west and north.

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