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China Travel Guide
She County - A Birthplace of Hui State Culture
Travel in Anhui

Xin'anjiang River in She County

She County (shè xiàn 歙县), located in Huangshan City (huáng shān shì 黄山市) and the south of Anhui Province (ān huī shěng 安徽省). It belonged to the six counties of Hui State (huī zhōu 徽州) and was the location of Hui State Government (huī zhōu zhì fǔ 徽州治府) in ancient times. As a birthplace of Hui State Culture, it is the origin of Peking Opera (jīng jù 京剧) and a leading producer of Hui China Ink (huī mò 徽墨) and She Inkstone (shè yàn 歙砚) which belong to the four stationery treasures of the Chinese study. Anyway, it is an important county for Chinese history and culture.

Huangshan Mountain - King of All Mountains
Travel in Anhui

Huangshan Mountain

Huangshan Mountain Scenic Zone  (huáng shān fēng jǐng qū 黄山风景区) is located in Huangshan City  (huáng shān shì 黄山市), Anhui Province  (ān huī shěng 安徽省), 69 miles from Tunxi District (tún xī 屯溪), covering She County  (shè xiàn 歙县), Xiuning County  (xiū níng 休宁), Yi County  (yī xiàn 黟县), Huangshan District  (huáng shān qū 黄山区) and Huizhou District  (huī zhōu qū 徽州区). In 1985, it was classified as one of the 10 popularest scenic attractions in China and in 1990, it was officially placed in the "World Cultural and Natural Heritage".

Yuexi County - A Natural Garden in China
Travel in Anhui

Yuexi County in Spring

With forest coverage reaching 73%, Yuexi County  (yuè xī xiàn 岳西县), located in Anqing  (ān qìng shì 安庆市) and in the southwest of Anhui Province  (ān huī shěng 安徽省), features picturesque scenery and agreeable weather. It's regarded as a natural garden in China as well as a base of traditional Chinese medicinal herbs.

Anqing - The Birthplace of Peking Opera
Travel in Anhui

Zhenfeng Pagoda in The Night

Anqing  (ān qìng shì 安庆市), located in the southwest of Anhui Province  (ān huī shěng 安徽省), borders Lu'an  (liù ān shì 六安市) to the north, Chaohu  (cháo hú shì 巢湖市) to the northeast, Tongling  (tóng líng shì 铜陵市) to the east, Chizhou  (chí zhōu shì 池州市) to the southeast, and Jiangxi Province  (jiāng xī shěng 江西省) and Hubei Province  (hú běi shěng 湖北省) to the south and west respectively.

Huainan - Hometown of Bean Curd
Travel in Anhui

An Aerial View of Dragon Lake Park

Huainan  (huái nán shì 淮南市), located in the south-east of China and the middle reaches of the Huaihe River  (huái hé 淮河), is a new energy city and an important industrial city of Anhui Province as it is is one of the five largest coalfields in China. It is bounded on the east by Chuzhou  (chú zhōu shì 滁州市) and shares boundary with Hefei  (hé féi shì 合肥市), the capital of Anhui Province  (ān huī shěng 安徽省) in the south. Boasting sites of rich natural and cultural resources, it is making great efforts to open new tourist attractions. 

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