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Business Chinese(1)
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Business Chinese(1)

打电话 Make & Take Phone Calls


B:喂!你好!是XX公司吗?Hello!Is that XX company?

A:不好意思,您打错了。Sorry, you've dialed the wrong number.

B:什么?打错了?哦,对不起。What? A wrong Number? Oh, I'm sorry.

Payment/Finance/Bank 付款/金融/银行
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我们需要在三十天内付款。 We’ll be needing payment within 30 days.

我认为这可以接受。/不可以接受。 I think that’s acceptable./unacceptable.

我想我们能够同意。 I think we could agree to that.

你能够为我们提供与去年一样的单价吗? Can you offer us the same unit price as last year?

公司已提出高薪相聘 The company has offered a high salary
World is but a little place, after all.
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天涯原咫尺,到处可逢君。World is but a little place, after all.
Explanation: It is used when a person meets someone he knows or is in someway connected with him in a place where he would never have expected to do so.
(在火车上,你突然遇到一个同公司但不同部门的同事,你说) 怎么你也出差去深圳吗?真是天涯原咫尺,到处可逢君哪。)
Every dog has his day
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是人皆有出头日 Every dog has his day.
Explanation: Fortune comes to each in turn.
Example: 别瞧不起人,是人皆有出头日。等我成功的时候,准让你后悔今天的话

王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸 Every potter praises his own pot.
Explanation:people are loath to refer to defects in their possessions or their family members
Example: 买房有价,装修无价,个中情况,自行斟酌,也不要听我‘王婆卖瓜,自卖自夸’,也不要自己‘一厢情愿,不管其他’,只有货比三家,才是为佳!!!
Classic Pieces (7) - The Analects
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【原文选段之十六】 君子博学于文

孔子说: “君子广泛地学习经典,用礼来约束自己,就不会背离大道了。”

Confucius said ,“A gentleman who studies the classics extensively and restrains himself with the rites will not depart from the Way. ”
What are the odds so long as you are happy.
Learn Chinese - Practical Chinese
知足者常乐 What are the odds so long as you are happy.
Explanation: What does anything else matter if a person is happy.
Example: 知足者常乐! 我有一双手,我能工作,知足了。 我有一双脚,我能走路,知足了。 我有一双眼,我可以看到这...

有眼不识泰山 Entertain an angel unawares.
Explanation:To receive a great personage as a guest without knowing his merits.
Example: 他有眼不识泰山,真是一个见识短浅的人。
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