Three Friends in Cold Weather |
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Pine (sōng 松), bamboo (zhú 竹) and plum (méi 梅)have always been regarded by Chinese people as the most beloved plants because they all thrive through the cold-winter days, just like friends who cherish the same ideas welcoming the advent of the spring together. For this very reason, they are called “ Three Friends in Cold Weather (suì hán sān yǒu 岁寒三友)”, symbolizing the noble characters esteened and pursued by Chiese people. Pines are ever-green trees with strong vitality. They flourish even in cold winter, for this very reason they are honored with a character of strong wil. However, they are more generally regarded as the symblo of lonevity among the masses. Bamboo survives and fourishes as usual in the cold wind when the day of cold Dew arrives, while many plants are withered. Because bamboo has hollow joints and is upstanding, it is gifted with characters of inflexibility and modesty and is honored as a “gentleman”. While Chinese have the folk custom of firing the bamboo cracker to break away from the old and evil, bamboo is also regarded as the symbol for security and auspice, as shown in the traditional decorative paintings. The plum is one kind of the famous flowers of China. They are appreciated for their nobleness, purity and modesty which encourage people to improve themselves. Therefore they have always been cherished and extolled by Chinese poets in the past. Plum are also characterized as the advent of good news. Stories about plum and its meaning have been widespread for a long time. 岁寒三友 青松、翠竹和冬梅这三种植物历来被中国人所喜爱,原因就在于它们即使在寒冷的冬天也显示出生机勃勃的活力,像三位志同道合的朋友一样迎接春天的来临,所以它们被人们誉为“岁寒三友”,象征着中国人所敬慕和追求的高尚情操。 松树四季常青,姿态挺拔,叶密生而有层云簇拥之势,欹斜层叠,不啻马远、刘松年笔意。在万物萧疏的隆冬,松树依旧郁郁葱葱,精神抖擞,象征着青春常在和坚强不屈。 每当寒露降临,很多植物便会枯萎,而柱子却能屹立在风雪之中。竹节中空、挺拔,所以被人们赋予坚贞和虚心的品格,有着“君子”的美誉。 梅花是中国的传统名花,它清香幽雅、冰肌玉骨,梅花以它的高洁、坚强、谦虚的品格,激励着人们洁身自好、不断奋发向上,所以中国历代文人志士喜欢梅花、歌颂梅花的极多。梅花还常被民间作为传春报喜的吉祥象征。
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