百发百中 (bǎi fā bǎi zhòng) |
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In the Spring and Autumn Period (chūn qiū shí qī 春秋时期,770-476 BC) ,there was an expert archer in the State of Chu (chǔ guó 楚国) called Yang Youji (yáng yóu jī 养由基). To test his skill, someone chose three leaves at different heights on a willow tree, and challenged him to hit them in order. Yang Youji stood more than one hundred paces away, and hit the three leaves in order. 这个成语本义是形容射箭技术高超,每次都能命中目标。常常用来比喻做事有充分的把握,总能达到预期的目的。 百发百中 (bǎi fā bǎi zhòng)
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