Huai-Yang Cuisine |
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![]() Huai-Yang Cuisine originated from the Pre-Qin Period (221-206BC), became famous during the Sui (581-618) and Tang (618-907) Dynasties, and was recognized as a distinct regional style during the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) Dynasties. This cuisine includes dishes from Huai'an, Yangzhou, Suzhou, and Shanghai. Raw materials of Huai-Yang dishes include fresh and live aquatic products. The carving techniques are delicate, of which the melon carving technique is especially well-known. The flavor of Huai-Yang cuisine is light, fresh and sweet. If Shandong cuisine is characterized by stirring and frying over a hot fire, Huai-Yang cuisine is characterized by stewing, braising, and steaming over a low fire for a long time. Famous dishes cooked this way are chicken braised with chestnuts, pork steamed in lotus leaf, duck stewed with eight treasures, meatballs with crab meat in Yangzhou style, and butterfly sea cucumber (sea cucumber cut into butterfly shapes and cooked with flavorings). Other famous dishes include stewed crab with clear soup, long boiled dry shredded meat, crystal meat, squirrel with Mandarin fish, Sauteed Eel Shreds and Liangxi crisp eel. The vegetarian banquet is a special feature of Huai-Yang cuisine, and the vegetarian dishes in Beijing cuisine are mostly variants of Huai-Yang cuisine. Huai-Yang snacks and refreshments are exquisite, such as boiled, shredded, dried bean curd; steamed dumplings with minced meat and gravy; steamed meat dumplings with dough gathered at the top. 苏菜 苏菜即江苏菜。它起始于南北朝、唐宋时,当时经济发展,推动饮食业的繁荣,苏菜成为“南食”两大台柱之一。明清时期,苏菜南北沿运河、东西沿长江的发展更为迅速。沿海的地理优势扩大了苏菜在海内外的影响。 苏菜由扬州菜、南京菜、苏州菜、镇江菜组成。其味清鲜,咸中稍甜,注重本味。在国内外享有盛誉。 江苏为鱼米之乡,物产丰饶,饮食资源十分丰富。著名的水产品有长江三鲜(鲟鱼、刀鱼、鲴鱼)、太湖银鱼、阳澄湖清水大闸蟹、南京龙池鲫鱼以及其它众多的海鲜品。优良佳蔬有太湖莼菜、淮安蒲菜、宝应藕、板栗、鸡头肉、茭白、冬笋、荸荠等。名特产品有南京湖熟鸭、南通狼山鸡、扬州鹅、高邮麻鸭、南京香肚、如皋火腿、靖江肉脯、无锡油面筋等。 江苏菜的特点是:用料广泛,以江河湖海水鲜为主;刀工精细,烹调方法多样,擅长炖焖煨焐;追求本味,清鲜平和;菜品风格雅丽,形质均美。 江苏菜以重视火候、讲究刀工而著称,尤擅长炖焖煨焐,著名的“镇扬三头”(扒烧整猪头、清炖蟹粉狮子头、拆烩鲢鱼头)、“苏州三鸡”(叫花鸡、西瓜童鸡、早红桔酪鸡)以及“金陵三叉”(叉烤鸭、叉烤桂鱼、叉烤乳猪)都是其代表之名品。 江苏菜式的组合亦颇有特色。除日常饮食和各类筵席讲究菜式搭配外,还有“三筵”具有独到之处。其一为船宴,见于太湖、瘦西湖、秦淮河;其二为斋席,见于镇江金山、焦山斋堂、苏州灵岩斋堂、扬州大明寺斋堂等;其三为全席,如全鱼席、全鸭席、鳝鱼席、全蟹席等等。 著名的菜肴有:清汤火方 鸭包鱼翅 水晶肴蹄 松鼠桂鱼 西瓜鸡 盐水鸭 清炖甲鱼 鸡汁煮干丝 鸡汁煮干丝 此菜干丝绵软,色彩美观、清鲜爽口,饶有风味,为扬州传统名菜。
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