Chinese Dishes and Their Stories :Dongpo Meat |
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Many famous Chinese dishes have stories attached to them that are as enter-taining to diners as the dishes themselves are satisfying to the taste buds. Most of the stories involve noted figures in Chinese history. In Hangzhou in East china’s Zhejiang Province, there is a well-known dish called Dongpo Meat. It is named after su Dongpo, a literary giant who lived about 900 years ago.The story is that when he was the prefectural governor of Hang zhou,he had a dam built across the West Lake.The lake was dredged and became a rich source of irrigation for the farmland,thus making it possible for the local people to have a bumper harvest each year. The dam is now known as the sudi Dam. When the spring Festival arrived, many folks went to Su Dongpo’s home to wish him Happy New Year. They took along pork and wine to show their thanks. Su Dongpo accepted the gifts. But then he and the meat cooked in a special way and sent it on to the families of the people who had worked on the West Lake dredging project.The local people greatly praised su dongpo for this good deed and named the dish Dongpo Meat. One restaurant manager was very quick to capitalize on the name. When he saw how popular the dish proved, he asked his cook to prepare the meat in the same way. His business soon jflourished. Of course, other restaurants began to copy him. Before long, Dongpo Meat was available in every restaurant in Hangzhou. Soon, Dongpo Meat ranked first on the list of local dishes. Even today, when people there hold a feast,Dongpo Meat is still often featured. 菜系:浙江菜 原料:猪五花肉,生姜,小葱,酱油,绍兴黄酒,白糖等。 制法:五花肉煮熟之后切成方块,沙锅内放入葱,姜块垫底,五花肉皮朝下放在葱姜上,加入酱油,白糖,黄 酒,葱结,加盖先用旺火烧开,再用微火焖2小时,再将肉块装入陶罐,加盖,以桃花纸密封,上笼蒸透即成。 特点:油润酥糯,香郁味透。 传说:宋元佑年间,苏东坡任职杭州,发动民工疏浚西湖,大工告成,西湖多了一座长堤,既为百姓带来水利 之益,又增添了西湖景色。百姓为了感谢他为地方办了这件好事,就给他送猪肉,送黄酒。苏东坡觉得西湖是 民工疏浚的。即命厨师按照他特有的烧肉经验“慢著火,少著水,火候足时它自美”的方法,烹制成佳肴慰劳 民工。由于送来的肉烧法独特,酥而不烂,油而不腻,味美异常,故“东坡肉”一时传为佳话与美食。
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