谈虎色变 (tán hǔ sè biàn) |
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But,nevertheless,that terrible memory lingerd in his minds more than once. Some day,another resident in the village,surrounded with a host of people,was loudly talking something about the tiger. The farmer happended to passed by the crowds. His face turned totally pale the instant he heard the word “tiger”,which was all obvious symptom of considerable anxiety. Small wonder,he was more frightened than anyone else aroud since he had been badly hurt by one tiger. Afterwards,“to turn pale at the mention of a tiger”is used to refer that somebody becomes extremly nervous when he is informed of something that he once fell victim before. 很久很久以前,在一个僻静的小山村里住着一个农夫。有一天,他在山上砍柴时碰到了老虎,凶猛的老虎想吃掉他,农夫被老虎狠狠地咬了一口,但是却很幸运地逃脱了虎,捡回了一条命。随着日子一天天地过去,农夫的伤口渐渐地愈合了,但是他还是会偶尔想到那段可怕的记忆。一天,同村的一个人正在给大家讲老虎伤人的故事,讲得有声有色,周围的人都听得津津有味。农夫恰好路过,刚好听到了。他的脸色顿时变得苍白,身体不停地颤抖。这是因为他有被咬的亲身感受,所以才会有很强烈的反应。 后来,“谈虎色变”就用来比喻一提到可怕的事就情绪紧张起来,连脸色都变了。 谈虎色变 (tán hǔ sè biàn)
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