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Home History and Culture Prehistoric and Ancient History of China
Prehistoric and Ancient History of China
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Prehistoric and Ancient History (1.7 million years ago-476 B.C.)

China's earliest primitive human discovered so far is known as "Yuanmou Man"(yuán móu rén 元谋人), a fossil anthropoid unearthed in Yuanmou (yuán móu 元谋) in Yunnan Province (yún nán shěng 云南省) who lived approximately 1.7 million years ago. The better-known "Peking Man"(běi jīng rén 北京人), discovered in the Zhoukoudian (zhōu kǒu diàn 周口店) area in the suburbs of Beijing, lived about 600,000 years ago. Peking Man was able to walk upright, make and use simple tools, and make fire. By the start of the Neolithic Age in China about 10,000 years ago, people were cultivating rice and millet with farming tools, something revealed by relics found in the ruins of Hemudu (hé mǔ dù  河姆渡) in Yuyao (yú yáo 余姚), Zhejiang Province (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省), and Banpo (bàn pō  半坡), near Xi'an City (xī ān shì 西安市), Shaanxi Province (shǎn xī shěng 陕西省). The Hemudu site, about 7,000 years old, was one of the earliest New Stone Age locations along the lower reaches of the Yangtze River (cháng jiāng 长江).

Archaeologists have unearthed in the area of Hemudu piles of rice grains, husks, stalks and leaves — and other indications of abundant rice cultivation. The rice grown at Hemudu was long-grained non-glutinous rice, and is the earliest example of artificially cultivated rice that has been found in China to date. The relics are also the oldest rice found so far in Asia.

The Xia Dynasty (xià cháo 夏朝) started in 2070 B.C. The center of Xia was the western section of modern Henan Province (hé nán shěng 河南省) and the southern section of modern Shanxi Province (shān xī shěng 山西省) with a sphere of influence that reached the northern and southern areas of the Yellow River (huáng hé 黄河). It was in this period that the slave society began to appear. The Xia Dynasty was overthrown by Shang (shāng 商). The Western Zhou Dynasty (xī zhōu 西周, 1046-771 B.C.) saw further development of slave society. This era was followed by the Spring and Autumn (chūn qiū shí qī 春秋时期, 770-476 B.C.) and Warring States (zhàn guó shí qī 战国时期, 475-221 B.C.) periods when silk production advanced and steel production started. This era also produced the philosophers Lao Zi (lǎo zǐ 老子), Confucius (kǒng zǐ 孔子), Mencius (mèng zǐ 孟子) and Mo Zi (mò zǐ 墨子), as well as the military scientist Sun Wu (sūn wǔ 孙武), author of the Art of War (sūn zǐ bīng fǎ 孙子兵法).






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