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Home Chinese Idiom 含沙射影 (hán shā shè yǐng)
含沙射影 (hán shā shè yǐng)
Learn Chinese - Chinese Idiom

altLegend has it that there was once a water monster called Yu (yù 蜮). It had norns, a shell, wings and three legs, but no eyes. There was a catapult in its mouth. If Yu heard the steps of a man, it would shoot sand from its mouth at him. If even the mans’s shadow was hit, the man would fall ill.
This idiom indicates vilifying people by insinuation.


含沙射影 (hán shā shè yǐng)
【翻 译】to make oblique charges.
【释 义】比喻暗中诽谤与中伤,暗中攻击或陷害人。应用这成语时应注意:只能够用来比喻攻人
【例 句】没想到他表面这样恭恭敬敬,背地里却“含沙射影”,这种人实在可怕。


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