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Home Practical Chinese Daily Figurative Slangs (49)
Daily Figurative Slangs (49)
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A 吃哑巴亏
Suffering loss without redress

【发音】chi ya ba kui
            Because of lack of proof, he could not bring a case to court and suffered loss without redress
            He was unwilling to suffer loss without redress so that he revenged the one who attacted him secretly.

 B 公鸭嗓儿
drake's voice; raucous voice/A voice which is husky and flat
【发音】gong ya sang er
He has a drake's voice and we don't like hearing him speak.

The follow movie is a part of The Eagle Shooting Heroes(东成西就 dong cheng xi jiu), which is directed by Liu Zhenwei and Tony Liang (梁朝伟)played a funny roll in it. Is he cute?


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