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Home Living in China Chinese Law Important Notice
Important Notice
Chinese Law
Important Notice

Important Notice
1. Aliens who do not lodge at hotels, guesthouses or inns shall, within 24 hours (72 hours in rural areas) of entry, go through accommodation registration at local police station.

2. Aliens holding visas Z. X or J-1 shall, within 30 days of entry, apply for Residence Permits to the exit-entry department of the public security bureau of the city where the applicants reside.

3. Aliens shall not be employed in China without permission of the competent authorities of the Chinese Government.

4. Aliens who reside or stay in China shall carry with themselves their passports or Residence Permits for possible examination.

5. In case of emergency, please dial 110 to seek help from police.


第一条 外国人入境中国后,需于24小时(农村72小时)内办理住宿登记,在宾馆饭店以外居住的需到居住地派出所办理临时住宿登记。

第二条 持有z、x、j-1签证的外国人,必须自入境之日起30日内到居住地(市)级公安机关出入境管理部门办理外国人居留许可。

第三条 未经有关主管部门批准,不得擅自在中国就业。

第四条 外国人入境中国后,应当随身携带护照或居留证件以备查验。

第五条 如遇到危急情况,请拨打报警电话:110。


China Yellow Pages