Maple of Fragrant Hills |
Travel in Beijing | |||
The autumn in Beijing is the best season to admire the charm of the Fragrant Hills, which has won its fame all over the world with its maple leaves. Temple of Azure Clouds, Zhaomiao (Bright Temple) and Shuangqing Villa are beautified by maples on the Fragrant Hills while the maples are highlighted by those historic sites.
Fragrant Hills are densely covered by ancient trees. Thus, spring arrives late in the area and summer days are always pleasantly cool. The main peak, Worried Ghost Peak had an elevation of 557 meters. Clouds and mist often engulf its precipitously angled cliffs, which give the two large stone excrescences of the peak a resemblance to incense burners. Nearly260,000 trees were planted, over 5,800 were years-growing trees, taking account 1/4 of the total number of ancient trees in Beijing. The green coverage is approximated to 98%. According to the report from the local meteorological bureau, it is one of those places where the concentration of negative oxyanion was the highest. The Fragrant Hills boasts of its beautiful landscape and tourists through out the four seasons. The most beautiful sight here is the maple leaves. They grow on the smoke trees and turn red after frosts in late autumn. Then all the hills are attired in these maple leaves which seem to reach the rosy clouds in the sky. The Fragrant Hills was selected one of the 16 most beautiful sceneries in New Beijing. Tourists can take either a Cable Car or Chairlift to the summit (Incense Burner Peak). Other scenic spots, like Summer Palace, Beijing Plant Garden and the Temple of the Sleeping Buddha (Wo Fo Si) are all within walking distance. 香山红叶 金秋的北京,正是香山最富魅力的季节。作为我国最负盛名的红叶观赏地。碧云寺、双清别墅、昭庙等几处古迹因香山红叶而增辉,香山红叶又因这些古迹而添彩,这些景点相映成辉,相得益彰。 香山地势崛峻,峰峦叠翠,泉沛林茂。主峰香炉峰(俗称鬼见愁)海拔557米。各类树木26万余株,仅古树名木就达5800多株,约占北京城区的四分之一,森林覆盖率高达98%,近年被有关部门测定为北京负氧离子最高的地区之一。这里春日繁花似锦、夏时凉爽宜人、冬来银妆素裹。尤其是深秋时节,10万株黄栌如火如荼,气势磅礴,曾被评为"北京新十六景"之一。 游客可乘大型吊椅式游览索道直至顶峰(香炉峰),悠闲散步即可到达颐和园、北京植物园、卧佛寺。