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Learn Chinese - Practical Chinese
“Tónɡ zhì!” One fashionably dressed woman shook hands with a gentle-like guy. Both seems excited and address each other with a low but a meaningful tone. It is a common scene when those who took part in the Communist Party (also called underground party around 1930s for it is illegal) learned the other’s real identity in the TV drama or movie reflecting the revolutionary theme. In that situation, tónɡ zhì has more revolutionary style, revealing those who are addressed tónɡ zhìare striving for one great and lofty cause.
mess about
Learn Chinese - Practical Chinese
A:“最近忙什么呢?”(zuì jìn máng shén me ne?)
    What are you busy with recently?
B:“瞎忙!”(xiā máng !) or 没忙什么!(méi máng shén me !)
    Fly Blind! Or Doing nothing!

Actually it has many answers. Sometimes the asker does not care the others’ answer, he just let the other side know that “I am caring for you”, then the other one will give a fuzzy answer such as “xiā mánɡ” , “méi mánɡ shén me” and then each go his way. Sometimes both sides will stay and talk for a moment if they know each other and have some time.
Learn Chinese - Practical Chinese

One single foot is difficult to stand firmly. It a good balance for a human to stand with two feet.

It evolved from round to square, which is the basic form of Chinese characters.

Learn Chinese - Practical Chinese
We have learned that Chinese is derived from picture writing, known as pictographs which have no relation to the sound of a word. Gradually they gave way to non

pictorial characters, in addition to standing for tangible objects, also represented abstract concepts. Later they formed an important principle for new

coined characters, among of which, also the most important, is called xíng shēng zì. They consist of two parts: a “signific”, which indicates that it has something to do with a meaning, and a "phonetic", which indicates the sound.
Learn Chinese - Practical Chinese
苹果 píng guǒ               apple
香蕉 xiāng jiāo               banana
橙子 chéng zi                orange
樱桃 yīng táo                cherry
猕猴桃 mí hóu táo         Chinese gooseberry
椰子 yē zi                     coconut
葡萄 pú tao                  grape
水蜜桃 shuǐ mì táo         juicy peach
柠檬 níng méng             lemon
荔枝 lì zhī                      litchi
芒果 máng guǒ              mango
桔子 jú zi                      tangerine
桃 táo                          peach
梨 lí                              pear
柿子 shì zi                     persimmon
菠萝 bō luó                   pineapple
李子 lǐ zi                        plum
西瓜 xī guā                   watermelon
草莓 cǎo méi                strawberry
Errors in the Use of Verbs
Learn Chinese - Practical Chinese
Errors in the Use of Verbs   动词的误用
Improper use of intransitive verbs  不带宾语的动词使用不当
1.旅行  travel
  “旅行”,meaning to go to a distant place for sight-seeing, is incapable of taking objects. Two proper substitutes for “旅行中国”are “来中国旅行”which are both verbal constructions in series.
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