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China Travel Guide
Dingxi--the Eastern Gateway of Lanzhou City
Travel in Gansu


Dingxi City (dìng xī shì  定西市) is located in central Gansu province (gān sù shěng 甘肃省), 98 km east of Lanzhou (lán zhōu 兰州), giving it the nickname the "eastern gateway". The Wei River (wèi hé 渭河), a tributary of the Yellow River flows through the district and provides it with the majority of its water. It was important in the development of some of China's earliest cultures, specifically along the Wei River, one of the Yellow River's biggest tributaries. It has 1 urban district, 6 counties, and 119 towns with a total population of 3,000,000 and a total area of 20,300 square kilometers. 

Bailuzhou Park
Travel in Fujian

Bailuzhou Park

Bailuzhou (Báilùzhōu 白鹭洲) Park goddess sculpture is a symbol of the Island and also the quality of urban sculpture in Xiamen. The goddess beautiful posture, sit silently knelt on a rock, combing long hair, many visitors to stop and take pictures all in this.

Wuwei—the Place of Silver
Travel in Gansu


Wuwei (wǔ wēi  武威) is located in northwest central of Gansu province (gān sù shěng 甘肃省). In the north it borders Inner Mongolia (nèi méng gǔ 内蒙古), in the southwest, Qinghai (nèi méng gǔ 青海). Its central location between three western capitals, Lanzhou (lán zhōu 兰州), Xining (xī níng 西宁), and Yinchuan (yín chuān 银川) makes it an important business and transportation hub for the area. Because of its position along the Hexi Corridor, historically the only route from central China to western China and the rest of Central Asia, many major railroads and national highways pass through Wuwei. Wuwei, called Liangzhou in ancient times, was an important post on the ancient Silk Road. The prosperity of the Silk Road eventually brought Wuwei great business and wealth, so Weiwu was renamed "Place of Silver".

Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Travel in Qinghai

Golog Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture
Golog (or Guoluo) Tibet Autonomous Prefecture (guǒ luò zàng zú zì zhì zhōu 果洛藏族自治州) is located in southeastern Qinghai province, in the Amdo region of Tibet (ān duō zàng qū 安多藏区). The prefecture has an area of 76,312 km² and its capital is Maqên County (mǎ qìn xiàn 玛沁县). Over 90% of the 125,000 people who live in Golog are Tibetan. Most of the people in Golog are nomadic with many of them living in traditional style Tibetan tents. Most of Golog is well above 4000m / 13,120 feet so summers are short and winters are long and cold.

Zhangye--Lush Southern-type Fields in the Desert
Travel in Gansu


Zhangye (zhāng yè 张掖) is a prefecture-level city in China's Gansu province, which was called "Jin Zhangye" in old times. Zhangye is about 450km northwest of Lanzhou (lán zhōu 兰州) and 150km southeast of Jiayuguan (jiā yù guān 嘉峪关), It has always been an important stopover for caravans and travelers on the Silk Road. There is gorgeous natural scenery which embodies beauty of southland and landscape of the Great Wall (cháng chéng 长城), such as the famous tourist attractions in Zhangye Danxia Landform Geological Park (zhāng yè dān xiá dì mào 张掖丹霞地貌), Grand Buddha Temple in Zhangye (dà fó sì 大佛寺) and Wooden Pagoda Temple (mù tǎ sì 木塔寺).

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