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Travel in Yunnan
Western Hill

Western Hill

Western Hill  (xī shān 西山) - The forest reserve on the west bank of the Dianchi lake (diān chí 滇池) consists of the Huating (huá tíng 华亭), Taihua (tài huá 太华) mountains, which extend for more than 40 kilometres at an altitude of 2,500 metres above sea level.


altMangshi (Máng shì 芒市) is a town under the jurisdiction of Luxi, which is the capital of the Deihong Dai & Jingpo Nationalities autonomous Prefecture. In Manshi, you will find are the language, the costumes and the living customs are more like those in Burma, laos or Thailand. The scenic spots to see in Mangshi are temples of Hinayana Buddhism, like Wuyun Temple, Foguang Temple, Temple in a Banyan tree and Sati Temple. The other spots include Sanxian natural cave, hot spring and mangjiu dam



Shangri-La (Xiāng gé lí lā 香格里拉) is the "Eden in dream". Since it first appeared in British novelist James Hilton’s Lost Horizon in the 1939, it has been associated with the mystique of a place which could not possibly exist here on Earth. In Tibetan, Shangri-La means the "sun and moon in heart", an ideal home only found in heaven. There the lofty and continuous snowy mountains, endless grasslands, steep and grand gorges, azure lakes and the bucolic villages always leave a deep impression on visitors.

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge

Tiger Leaping Gorge (hǔ tiào xiá 虎跳峡) is believed to be the deepest gorge in the world. From the top of the gorge you look down the steeply angled (70-90 degrees) mountain sides to the rushing Golden Sands River ( jīn shā jiāng金沙江) with its 18 frothing rapids more than 200 meters (about 700 feet) below.

Stone Forest

Stone Forest

The Yunnan Stone Forest ( yún nán shí lín 云南石林) is located in Kunming, which serves as the capital of the Yunnan province. This remarkable forest, also called Shilin, has been called the First Wonder of the World since the time of the Ming Dynasty.

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