Dali Bai Autonomous Prefecture (dà lǐ bái zú zì zhì zhōu 大理白族自治州) in northwest Yunnan (yún nán 云南) is a famous Chinese cultural city and a national scenic zone. A rich heritage dates back to the days when the city was the capital of the kingdoms of Nanzhao (nán zhào 南诏) and Dali. Dali is a major habitat for the ethnic Bai (bái 白) people, whose folkways are at once time-honored and distinctive. During the Tang and Song Dynasties, it was the capital of Nanzhao and Dali Kingdoms, the political, economic and cultural centre of Yunnan, an important gateway of cultural exchange and trading with southeastern Asian countries, and an important pass of the ancient "Silk Route of the South" (nán fāng sī lù 南方丝路). It has long enjoyed the reputation of "a land of letters". The scenery of the four seasons in Dali like paintings, in many scenery famous spots, they are most famous for four views of breeze, flower, snow and moon and fascinating.

The Alu Ancient Cave (ā lú gǔ dòng 阿庐古洞), reputed as 'the first wonderful cave in Yunnan' (yún nán dì yī dòng 云南第一洞), is located within the precincts of Luxi County (lú xī xiàn 泸西县), Honghe Hani and Yi Autonomous Prefecture (hóng hé hā ní zú yí zú zì zhì zhōu 红河哈尼族彝族自治州), in Southeast Yunnan (yún nán 云南), 2.5 km from the county seat, 80 km from the famous Stone Forest and 200 km from Kunming (kūn míng 昆明).

Yuxi (yù xī 玉溪) has been called as "defensive frontier of the provincial capital" since ancient time. Covering an area of 15,285 square kilometers, the city of Yuxi has a population of 2,016,800. There are 25 minorities in this city, including Yi (yí 彝), Hani (hā ní 哈尼), Dai (dǎi 傣), Hui (huí 回), Bai (bái 白), Mongolian (méng gǔ 蒙古), Miao (miáo 苗), Lahu (lā hù 拉祜) and so on, which make up 31.69% of the population.

Chuxiong Yi Autonomous Prefecture (chǔ xióng yí zú zì zhì zhōu 楚雄彝族自治州) is between Dianchi Lake (diān chí 滇池) beside Kunming (kūn míng 昆明) and Erhai Lake (ěr hǎi 洱海) in Dali (dà lǐ 大理), and lies at the south of Yunnan Province, 160 kilometers away from the Kunming City, covering an area of 29,258 square kilometers. It is home to almost 2.45 million people among which Yi ethnic group accounts for 24.6%. Its an important hub of middle Yunnan. Cheng - Kun railway (chéng kūn tiě lù 成昆铁路), Guang - Da railway (guǎng dà tiě lù 广大铁路) and Kun - Wan road (kūn wǎn gōng lù 昆畹公路) cross it.

Potatso National Park (pǔ dá cuò guó jiā gōng yuán 普达措国家公园) is located in the centre of "Three Parallel Rivers" (sān jiāng bìng liú 三江并流) world natural heritage area, belong to northwest of Yunnan Province (yún nán 云南),China. It make up of the Wetlands of International Importance Bita Lake (bì tǎ hǎi 碧塔海) Nature Reserve and the "Three Parallel Rivers" world natural heritage Red Hill Area’s Shudu Lake (shǔ dū hú 属都湖).
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