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Practical Chinese
Daily Figurative Slangs (81)

Chinese slangs

Make contact with.

【发音】dǎ jiāo dào

            Come into (or make) contact with; have dealings with.

           I am reluctant to have dealings with conceited people.

           One must learn to mix with all sorts of people.

Daily Figurative Slangs (80)

Chinese slangs

Vouch for somebody.

【发音】dǎ bǎo piào

            Guarantee something before the result.

           I guarantee that he is not the type of person who would do such a thing.

【例2】我敢打保票, 我的消息很可靠。
           I can vouch for the accuracy of my information.

Daily Figurative Slangs (79)

Chinese slangs

Join in the fun.

【发音】còu rè nào

【释义】1. 参加进去一起热闹。
                Take part in the merriment. 
            2. 添麻烦;添乱。
                Give someone more trouble.

【例1】我来唱支歌, 凑凑热闹。
           Let me sing a song to add to the fun.

           I’m annoyed enough as it is; don’t give me any more trouble.

Daily Figurative Slangs (78)

Chinese slangs

Making a laughingstock of oneself.

【发音】chū yáng xiàng

             Words or deeds seem ridiculous and funny; make a fool of oneself.

            I make a fool of myself at the meeting.

           The woman’s kicks and screams made a disgraceful performance.

Daily Figurative Slangs (77)

Chinese slangs

Seek (or be in) the limelight.

【发音】chū fēng tóu

            This phrase describes someone likes showing off himself so as to catch others’ attention. It also means that one is bravery to show his or her talents before the public.

           She loves to steal the show and be the centre of attention.

           They never push themselves forward.

Daily Figurative Slangs (76)

Chinese slangs

Offer advice.

【发音】chū diǎn zǐ

            Think of solutions; make suggestions.

           Let’s brain-storm about it, and we may work out a solution.

           I can give him a pointer or two.

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