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Practical Chinese
When in Rome,do as the Romans do
入乡随俗 When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
Explanation: Conform to the manners and customs of those amongst whom you live.
Example: 到了法国就要吃西餐,这就叫入乡随俗

失之东隅,收之桑榆 What you lose on the swings you get back on the roundabouts.
Explanation:A rough way of starting a law of average; if you have bad luck on one day you have good on another; if one venture results in loss try a fresh one---it may succeed.
Example: 失之东隅,收之桑榆,我们都知道盲人的听觉、触觉都特别发达。这是为什么?原因在于盲人丧失视觉后,生存的需要促使其它感官...实现心理平衡,这被称为“补偿”
The Chinese languages not only have tones, they also exhibit, to a greater or lesser extent, a pheno
The Chinese languages not only have tones, they also exhibit, to a greater or lesser extent, a phenomenon called tone sandhi. Sandhi is a Sanskrit word (the Sanskrit language has a long grammatical tradition, which explains the use of Sanskrit words in much of linguistic discourse). It refers to the change of sound in connected speech. A plainer way to say tone sandhi would be changes in tones when they are combined together. The tones that occur in combination with other tones are therefore called sandhi tones. In contrast, the tone that is uttered in isolation is called the citation tone.
Tones in Chinese
Chinese is a tonal language. All Chinese languages (or “dialects”) have tones.
Although tonal languages may sound exotic, there is nothing special about tones from a physical or physiological point of view. No, Chinese do not possess exotic tone-producing apparatus. The physiological mechanism for producing tones is the same as that for producing intonation, which all languages, including English, employ. The same physiological mechanism is also used for singing. Physically, tones, intonations and singing are all variation of frequency over time.
“Tónɡ zhì!” One fashionably dressed woman shook hands with a gentle-like guy. Both seems excited and address each other with a low but a meaningful tone. It is a common scene when those who took part in the Communist Party (also called underground party around 1930s for it is illegal) learned the other’s real identity in the TV drama or movie reflecting the revolutionary theme. In that situation, tónɡ zhì has more revolutionary style, revealing those who are addressed tónɡ zhìare striving for one great and lofty cause.
mess about
A:“最近忙什么呢?”(zuì jìn máng shén me ne?)
    What are you busy with recently?
B:“瞎忙!”(xiā máng !) or 没忙什么!(méi máng shén me !)
    Fly Blind! Or Doing nothing!

Actually it has many answers. Sometimes the asker does not care the others’ answer, he just let the other side know that “I am caring for you”, then the other one will give a fuzzy answer such as “xiā mánɡ” , “méi mánɡ shén me” and then each go his way. Sometimes both sides will stay and talk for a moment if they know each other and have some time.

One single foot is difficult to stand firmly. It a good balance for a human to stand with two feet.

It evolved from round to square, which is the basic form of Chinese characters.

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