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Home Learn Chinese Chinese Literature
Chinese Literature
Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again

Saying Good-bye to Cambridge Again
--by Xu Zhimo

Very quietly I take my leave
As quietly as I came here;
Quietly I wave good-bye
To the rosy clouds in the western sky.
The golden willows by the riverside
Song of the Wanderer
Song of the Wanderer
Meng Jiao (Tang)
The thread moves in the hand of the mother kind,
To weave a garment for the wanderer to wear.
As the mother plies the needle with much care,
                    by Xu Zhimo
I am a cloud in the sky,
A chance shadow on the wave of your heart.
Don't be surprised,
Or too elated;
In an instant I shall vanish without trace.
A Blossom Tree
----A Sad Poem on Persistent Love

It was twelve years ago that I first listened to the poem. At that time I was a young girl at college. I have some close friends of my hometown. We get known each other at the age 14 when we in middle school. We kept a practice to gather roughly twice each year to have some fun before we got married and settled down. I remembered that it was the second
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