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Home Travel in Guangdong
Travel in Guangdong
Happy Valley
Travel in Guangdong

 Happy Valley
Happy Valley
(huān lè gǔ 欢乐谷) , a large modern theme park in China, is located in Overseas Chinese Town (huá qiáo chéng 华侨城), Shenzhen (shēn zhèn 深圳), Guangdong Province (guǎng dōng shěng 广东省). It covers a total area of 350,000 square meters and was constructed under an investment of 1.7 billion Yuan. The activities in Happy Valley include the fields of sea, land and air. Besides, the activities are different in the day time and in the night.

Splendid China
Travel in Guangdong

   Splendid China
Splendid China
(jǐn xiù zhōng huá 锦绣中华), an attraction at the Overseas Chinese Town (huá qiáo chéng 华侨城) of Shenzhen (shēn zhèn 深圳), is located on the magnificent Shenzhen Bay (shē zhèn wān 深圳湾), Shenzhen, which is the largest miniature park in the world. Splendid China reflects the long-standing history, brilliant culture, art and ancient architecture, as well as the customs and habits of 56 nationalities in China. It covers an area of 450 mu (mǔ 亩), and it is divided into two parts, a Scenic Spot Area (jǐng diǎn qū 景点区) and a Comprehensive Service Area (zōng hé fú wù qū 综合服务区).

Xiguan Mansion
Travel in Guangdong

   Xiguan Mansion -- the main hall
As a representative architecture of ancient Guangzhou (guǎng zhōu 广州), Xiguan Mansion (xī guān dà wū 西关大屋) showcases strong local architectural characteristics and style from its plane layout, arcade formation, section to trivial decoration. Xiguan (xī guān 西关) was the name given by Guangdong (guǎng dōng 广东) people to the area in Liwan District (lì wān qū 荔湾区) ranging from Xicun (xī cūn 西村) in the north and the Pearl River (zhū jiāng 珠江) in the south, to Renmin Road (rén mín lù 人民路) in the east and Xiaobei River (xiǎo běi jiāng 小北江) in the west, which also generally meant the area beyond the west city gate in the Ming (míng 明, 1368-1644) and Qing (qīng 清) dynasties. In that period there were many unique traditional old mansions and people called them Xiguan ancient mansion, which were the residence for the rich before. It has been an inseparable part of the history of Guangzhou ever since it came into being. 

Historical Site of Whampoa Military Academy
Travel in Guangdong

    The Gate of Whampoa Military Academy
Situated on Changzhou Island (cháng zhōu dǎo 长洲岛) offshore from the Whampoa District (huáng pǔ qū 黄浦区) in Guangzhou (guǎng zhōu 广州), the historical site of Whampoa Military Academy (huáng pǔ jūn xiào 黄埔军校) has attracted many tourists from home and abroad in recent years. It was founded by Dr. Sun Yat-sen (sūn zhōng shān 孙中山), with the support of the Communist Party of China and former Soviet Union on the 16th June, 1924, during the first cooperation between the Kuomintang (guó mín dǎng 国民党) and the Communist Party of China (zhōng guó gòng chǎn dǎng 中国共产党).

Shamian Island
Travel in Guangdong

          Shamian Island
Located on the north band of the Pearl River’s (zhū jiāng 珠江) White Goose Pool (bái é tán 白鹅潭), west of Guangzhou City (guǎng zhōu shì  广州市), Shamian Island (shā miàn dǎo 沙面岛) must be the most exotic place in Guangzhou. It only covers an area of 0.3 square kilometers and surround by water. It has been designated as a key protected relic of the state, and it is one of the Ten Sights of Guangzhou (guǎng zhōu shí jǐng 广州十景).

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