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Travel in Liaoning
Shenyang Guai Po (Magic Slope)
Travel in Liaoning

Shenyang Guai Po

We know that go downhill is easy, and it is difficult to go up a slope because of the gravitation. However, there is a strange slope in Shenyang City (shěn yáng shì 沈阳市). The slope is more than 80 meters long and 15 meters wide. The car will go upwards along the slope automatically when shutting off the engine. That is Guai Po (guài pō 怪坡), a miraculous place for you to have fun. Now Guai Po has been developed into a scenic area with more than 20 tourism spots.

Shenyang Imperial Palace (Shenyang Gu Gong)
Travel in Liaoning

Shenyang Imperial Palace
Shenyang Imperial Palace (shěn yáng gù gōng 沈阳故宫), or named Houjin Imperial Palace (hòu jīn gù gōng 后金故宫) or Shengjing Imperial Palace (shèng jīng gū gòng 盛京故宫), is the only existing royal palace in China outside of the Forbidden City in Beijing. Covering an area of more than 60,000 square meters, the palace consists of more than 300 rooms, formed around 20 courtyards.The palace is largely modeled after Beijing's Forbidden City, but architecturally blends intricate Mongolian and Tibetan influenced carvings favored by the early Qing (qīng 清) and has special historical, artistic and scientific values.

Qipan Mountain (Chessboard Mountain)
Travel in Liaoning

Qipan Mountain
Qipan Mountain (qí pán shān 棋盘山) is the last part of Changbai (cháng bái 长白) mountain range; it is connected to the great mountains in the northeastern China. Qipan Mountain Scenic Area is the biggest natural scenic area in Shenyang (shěn yóng 沈阳) which covers 203,000 square meters. The scenic spots zone mainly includes the plant and animal reserves, the central tourism region, the water sports area, the dynamic entertainment area, the static tourism area, the central service area, the hunting area and the villa area. It is a place combing nature and human sights.

Travel Along the Sea (Dalian)
Travel in Liaoning

Dalian is located in the Northeast of China and it is the second largest city of Liaoning Province. Dalian started out as a small fishing village a little over 100 years ago. Now Dalian is bestowed with honors such as the "International Excellent Model of Environment Improvement", the "UN Human Habitat Award" and the "Global 500 Roll of Honor for Environment Achievement".
So unlike the heavily touristy areas in China (i.e. Beijing, Xi'an, and Hangzhou), that contain numerous palaces, temples and museums, and that emphasize their long history and rich culture, Dalian offers you a totally different experience.

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