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Home Chinese Culture
History and Culture
The Silk Road
History and Culture

China is the first producer of silk in the world. The Silk Road is the collective name given to a number of trade routes linking the Chinese and Roman Empire.   

The Silk Road opened up during the reign of Emperor Han Wudi, who in 138 BC dispatched Zhang Qian on a mission to seek an alliance with peoples west of China against the northern tribes.
History and Culture

altChina is wondrous and awe-inspiring. It has a history of five thousand years. It is the only continuous ancient civilization. Other ancient civilizations have changed, discontinued, withered or perished. Why is it so enduring? Why is it so coherent, often sticking to itself, remaining undivided? Why is it so dynamic, always able to revive, regenerate and revitalize itself? Why is it an immortal phoenix able to rise again on its ashes? These are enduring questions. Nobody can give a complete answer, full stop. They will stimulate intellect, provoke interest, and engage investigation.

It is mysterious, even inscrutable. What is Tao (dào 道) and Taoism (dào jiào 道教)? What is non-action, non-exertion, nongovernmental in Taoism? What is the Yin-Yang theory? What is the Five-Element theory? How can a little steel needle relieve pain and cure illnesses? Is Qigong (qì gōng 气功) the

Temple Fair in Beijing
History and Culture

temple fair

The temple fair (miào huì 庙会) is a kind of social activity in China. Legend has it that it originated in ancient times when people offered sacrifices to the village god, which later gradually evolved into a marketplace for people to exchange products and a place for cultural performance. Temple fair in old China had a unique status in ordinary people’s life. It is the time to worship gods, pray for the blessing. It is also a great time to have fun. All the traditional shows went on at the temple fairs, talk shows (xiàng sheng 相声), banner shows (wǔ qí 舞旗), kongfu shows (wǔ shù 武术), lion shows (wǔ shī 舞狮), etc. It became a paradise for the kids. Fortunately this century old tradition is still preserved today.

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