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History and Culture
Chinese Cloth Shoes
History and Culture

    Cloth Shoes
Chinese cloth shoes
(zhōng guó bù xié 中国布鞋) have a history of more than three thousand years. In Houma Shi (hóu mǎ shì 侯马市), Shanxi Province (shān xī shěng 山西省), there discovered the unearthed warrior in West Zhou Dynasty (xī zhōu 西周) wore the cloth shoes, which is the earliest handicraft cloth shoes. The cloth shoes were mainly handmade before the People's Republic of China was proclaimed, such as embroidery shoes. Chinese people are very fond of them for they are handmade, soft, and comfortable and ventilate. After 1949, the Chinese cloth shoes reached its peak period. There were many cloth shoes factories in our country which produced lots of cloth shoes.

Chinese Cuisine
History and Culture

      Chinese Cuisine
Different from the cuisine in western world, Chinese people cook food in various ways such as frying, boiling, steaming and stir frying. Chinese people put a high premium on the taste, color and smell of food. Chinese cuisine enjoys the same international reputation to that of France and Italy for its scent, taste and design.

Olympic Games Add Popularity to Chinese language
History and Culture


Maja Tvrdy knew her Olympic journey wouldn't end up with a medal, but she looked forward to bringing home something really unique.

The 24-year-old Slovenian badminton player, after crashing out of the second-round singles of a sport with overwhelming Asian dominance on Aug. 10, found what she was looking for in a corner of the Athletes' Village, named the "Chinese Learning Area."

Chinese Sedan Chair
History and Culture

   Sedan Chair
The sedan Chair (jiào zǐ 轿子) can be regarded as a special transportation vehicle in ancient China. It is lifted with shoulders and hands. Actually, it is a removable bed, desk chair or chaise lounge which is fixed on two poles with or without a tent.

Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion
History and Culture

acupunctureAcupuncture-moxibustion therapy (zhēn jiǔ liáo fǎ 针灸疗法) which mainly consists of both acupuncture (zhēn jiǔ 针灸) and moxibustion (ài jiǔ 艾灸) is an unique approach to medical care in China and is also an indispensable component of Chinese medicine (zhōng yī 中医). The acupuncture treatment is the insertion of different fine needles on the body's surface according to a certain point (xué wèi 穴位), to stimulate certain parts of the body and use various methods to evoke the channels (jīng luò 经络) as well as the vital energy (qì 气) of human body, in order to adjust physiological functioning of the body so to cure diseases. Moxibustion is the burning of moxa (ài 艾) on or near a person's skin as a counterirritant. For a long time, acupuncture and moxibustion treatment are often combined together in clinical practice application, therefore we collectively referred to them as Acupuncture-moxibustion therapy.

Chinese Characters
History and Culture

Legendary origins
According to legend, Chinese characters were invented by Cangjie (cāng jié 仓颉), a altbureaucrat under the legendary emperor, Huangdi (huáng dì 黄帝). The legend tells that Cangjie was hunting on Mount Yangxu (today Shanxi) when he saw a tortoise whose veins caught his curiosity. Inspired by the possibility of a logical relation of those veins, he studied the animals of the world, the landscape of the earth, and the stars in the sky, and invented a symbolic system called (zì 字)—Chinese characters. It was said that on the day the characters were born, Chinese heard the devil mourning, and saw crops falling like rain, as it marked the beginning of the world.

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