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Home Travel in Sichuan
Travel in Sichuan
Cuiping Mountain

   Cuiping Mountain
Cuiping Mountain
(cuì píng shān 翠屏山) is located in the west Yibin City (yí bīn shì 宜宾市) of Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). It is 507 meters above sea level. With thick vegetations, the lofty mountain is like a green screen towering on the bank of the river, hence the name Cuiping, which means green screen.

Mount Qingcheng

   Mount Qingcheng
Mount Qingcheng
(qīng chéng shān 青城山), called Zhangren Mountain (zhàng rén shān 丈人山), is located in southwest Dujiangyan City (dū jiāng yàn shì 都江堰市) of Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). As a center of the Taoist religion, it became host to many temples. In 2000, the mountain was listed in the UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Daduhe Grand Valley

   Daduhe Grand Valley
Daduhe Grand Valley
(dà dù hé dà xiá gǔ 大渡河大峡谷) is located in Yaan City (yǎ ān shì 雅安市) of Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). The valley is 17 kilometers wide from east to west and 26 kilometers long from south to north. The deepest point of the Daduhe Grand Valley is more than 2600 meter, which is one time deeper than Three Gorges (sān xiá 三峡), and 860 meters deeper than Grand Canyon in Colorado. With arduous cliffs and peaks erecting high to the sky and rivers and streams are going across each other in the bottom, the valley is gorgeous.

Feilong Valley Scenic Area

Feilong Valley Scenic AreaFeilong Valley Scenic Area (fēi lóng xiá fēng jǐng qū 飞龙峡风景区) is located at the southwestern Zigong City (zì gòng shì 自贡市) of Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). The average height of the peaks in the valley is 365 meters above sea level, while the highest peak is 497.7 meters. Within the scenic area, the mountains are covered with thick vegetations, with clean waters running around them. What’s more, the scenic area is with rich Buddhist cultural deposits.

In the entrance of the Feilong Valley, there is a large area of green terraces. In the sunglow, the terraces are picturesque. While it is raining, they are foggy. Walking in the field will take you to the dreamy world. The archway in the Jianshan Mountain (jiān shān 尖山) is 11 meters high, 14 meters wide, made with traditional crafts.

The Ancestral Temple of Marquis Wu

   The Ancestral Temple of Marquis Wu
The Ancestral Temple of Marquis Wu
(wǔ hóu cí 武侯祠) is located in the southern suburb of Chengdu City (chéng dū shì 成都市) in Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). It was originally constructed in 223 AD. The site consists of a restored temple restored in Tang Dynasty (táng cháo 唐朝), which is dedicated to the prime minister and war strategist Zhuge Liang (zhū gě liàng 诸葛亮) of Shu State (shǔ guó 蜀国) in the Three Kingdoms Period (sān guó shí qī 三国时期). It is regarded as the Shrine of the Three Kingdoms Period (sān guó shèng dì 三国圣地).

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