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Home Lights & Lighting
Lights & Lighting
Guangzhou International Lighting Exhibition
Lights & Lighting

Show Dates- 8th June to 11th June 2008
Frequency - Annual
Venue - Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center, Pazhou Island (GICEC)
City - Guangzhou
Country - China
Open To - Trade Visitors
Exhibitor Product profile
Technical and exterior lighting, domestic lighting, professional lights, electric lights, accessories and electronic components, light control / management and measurement systems, light production and measurement, equipment
Visitor Profile
Visitors from 98 countries. Electrical / light planners, architects and interior designers, design consultants, building engineers, facility managers, property developers, retailers and wholesalers

Show Area - Show Area National : 36736 Sq. Mtr.
Organiser(s)- Guangzhou Guangya Messe Frankfurt Co Ltd
Supporter(s) -China Illuminating Engineering Society
China Real Estate Association
Institute of Chinese Architects, ASC
International Association of Lighting Designers
Korea Illuminating Industry Cooperative
LUCI Association (Lighting Urban Community International)
The Electrical and Electronics Association of Malaysia
The Hong Kong Federation of Electrical and Mechanical Contractors Ltd.
The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers - Building Services Division
International Association of Lighting Designers
LUCI Association (Lighting Urban Community International)
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