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Foreigners in China
Boukje Koch: Don't Worry, Just Ask Me
Foreigners in China

Boukje Koch

Boukje Koch, founder and CEO of Ask4Me, a Dutch design company based in Guangzhou, shares with us how she and her company settle down and survive in the city.

When western companies come to Guangdong Province to do business - typically to have products manufactured by China's cheap and abundant labor force - they often run headlong into a wall. 
Benoit Stos: An Active Team Builder of Mazars
Foreigners in China

Benoit StosBenoit Stos's first visit to Guangzhou was in the mid-1990s, when he was taking a short course in Chinese language at Sun Yat-sen University. Little did he know then that he would eventually return with Mazars, and come to call Guangzhou his home.

Benoit Stos is a hands-on manager. 
As the executive who launched, built up and still oversees the Guangzhou office of Mazars, the French accounting firm, he literally has his hand in every facet of the enterprise's local operations. 
The 38-year-old Frenchman, who was formerly stationed in Paris and Beijing with Mazars - the only company he's worked for since leaving university 15 years ago - came to Guangzhou seven years ago and set up shop with four employees in the Zhujiang New Town offices Mazars still occupies. 
B.D. Ratnani: Witness to 40yrs of the Canton Fair
Foreigners in China

expats in chinaTraveling between Guangzhou, Hong Kong and the rest of the world during the past four decades, the Indian trading expert says he still has full confidence in Guangzhou and China’s business prospects.

Like many well-known tales of rags-to-riches, B.D. Ratnani or Benny, as most of his associates call him, has had his fair share of ups, downs, hardships, tragedies, challenges and victories that make the leader of Bee Dee Manufacturing Co., the man he is today. He has pioneered the trading channels between his headquarters and several prominent Middle Eastern business corporations through a low-key office set up more than 40 years ago. 
Korean Iron Maker's Confucius-Style Management
Foreigners in China

Korean in ChinaThe modern-age steel business veteran, who has been a part of China's contemporary golden growth period for the past two decades, personifies something more traditional, and more akin to Confucius.

While flipping through a Korean calendar, you will find a consecutive three-day holiday marked from September 18 to 20. It marks the Korean Mid-Autumn Festival, the most important holiday in Korea alongside Seollal, Korean New Year. 
Guangzhou Dreams - An Expat Pet-keeper's Dilemma
Foreigners in China

Donald, a frequent traveler between New Zealand and China, to think about how to deal with his pet bunny Jaz, when he decided to move back to China with his Chinese girlfriend.

Moving house is something that most people go through, for an expat, it is just a way of life. Packing up your entire house and ensuring it can be squeezed into 30kg of check-in and 7kg of hand luggage can be a painful and emotional process. However, it becomes even more difficult to organize when a small pet is involved. I am currently beginning the process of packing up my life again and heading back to China. Recently, my girlfriend and I packed all of our belongings into our small car, including our pet rabbit, her cage and bag of hay and left our apartment to travel to my hometown where my parents live, to drop off most of our things before heading overseas. Our little bunny Jaz was not impressed with being bundled into the car and then stuck for four hours in the bowels of a ferry, before being driven a further two hours to our temporary destination. Since arriving, we have unloaded most of our belongings and we are commencing the process of again condensing our lives into one suitcase and a bag. 
Guangzhou Dreams - Guangzhou Is a Linguistic Feast for this Wandering Word-lover
Foreigners in China
foreigner in chinaWhen working hard on learning Chinese here, he found the city is fascinating as it is a linguistic hub where people speak not only Mandarin, but also Cantonese and other dialects.
Let's get one thing clear from the start; yes, I'm another foreign teacher living in Guangzhou. No, I'm not using it as the means to an end. 
I get irritated when confronted by the lazy and ill-informed clichés about young teachers, encountered both at home and abroad. 
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