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Home Industrial & Scientific China Glass 2008
China Glass 2008
Industrial & Scientific
China Glass 2008

10–13 April 2008
Place:China International Exhibition Center, Beijing
Add: Beijing Zhonggui Exhibition Co., Ltd.
No.11, San Li He Road, Beijing, 100831,
Tel: +86-10- 68348131 / 68348139
Fax: +86-10-68349359
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

International Glass & Enamel Industrial Technology and Machinery Exhibition. The Largest International Glass Exhibition in Asia One of the Most Influential International Glass Exhibitions in the World China International Glass Industrial Technical Exhibition,hereafter referred to as China Glass, is a dynamic and innovative one since 1986 of its launch.

China Glass is an annual event and held alternately in Beijing and Shanghai. It is the unique international exhibition sponsored and supported by all glass industry-related governmental departments and nationwide trade associations of China. It is the heaviest in Asia and one of the most influential international glass exhibitions in the world.


地址:北京市海淀区三里河路11号 北京中硅展览有限公司
电 话:+86-10- 68348131 / 68348139
传 真:+86-10-68349359
电子信箱: ceramsoc@163.
开幕时间: 2008-04-10

第十九届中国国际玻璃工业技术展览会(China Glass 2008)将于2008年4月10-13日在中国国际展览中心举办。展会主办单位:中国硅酸盐学会;共同主办单位:中国日用玻璃协会和中国建筑玻璃与工业玻璃协会;承办单位:北京中硅展览有限公司。
展出内容涵盖玻璃行业各个方面的技术与产品,包括玻璃制品及应用; 玻璃生产技术与设备、仪器仪表及检测装置、自动控制和各种配套系统; 玻璃深加工设备; 以及耐火材料、原材料和各种主、辅材料等。
2008年在北京中国国际展览中心举办的China Glass 2008,比历次展会又有明显扩大,展览面积预期可达5万平米新高。无论是展出面积或是参展商数量都将大大超过上届展会。目前招展形势很好,80%展台已被预订。
围绕展会还将举办有关技术讲座和中国玻璃深加工研讨会(GPD China 2008) (4月8-9日)。 将吸引众多国内外商家与专家与会。因此中国国际玻璃工业技术展览会不仅是中国玻璃行业的活动平台,而且也是世界玻璃行业的活动舞台。热烈欢迎国内外厂家报名参展。