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Home Travel in Beijing Beijing Luxun Museum
Beijing Luxun Museum
Travel in Beijing

Lu Xun Museum (lǔ xùn gù jū 鲁迅故居) is located in Xiertiao, Fuchengmennei Street (fǔ chéng mén nèi dà jiē 阜成门内大街), Beijing. It is the earliest "Autobiographic Literature Museum" being built after the founding of the PRC. Its former name is Beijing Lu Xun Former Residence at Xishantiao. The museum was built just near the former residence in 1954. It was opened to the out world on October 19, 1956, that is the 20th anniversary of Lu Xun's pass away. The new exhibition hall in ancient quad style is the continuation that was built in 1994 and adjacent to the former residence.

altLu Xu Museum now treasures more than 30,000 culture relics. 21,000 of them are the culture relics of Mr. Lu Xun, which includes the manuscripts, letters, diaries and Lu Xun's collecting works like books, paintings and bricks in Han Dynasty and epitaph rubbings. Its basic exhibition covers the "Exhibition of Lu Xun's Whole Life", which lively displays the resplendent life of Lu Xun who acts the Main General of Chinese Revolution in Culture in full-scale.

Lu Xun (1881 to 1936) was born in Shaoxing (shào xīng 绍兴), Zhejiang (zhè jiāng 浙江) Province. He is a litterateur, ideologist and revolutionist in modern China. In the former residence, it is the "The Old Sight Exhibition of Lu Xun's Former Residence".alt It is a very exquisite litter quad with both three rooms in south and north, both one room in the east and west. They preserved the appearance that Lu Xun once lived there. The south room is the reception room, the east and west rooms in the north house are the residence of Lu Xun's mother and his wife, Zhu An. The middle room is the dinning room. A small room projects northward from the middle of the north house, which covers an area of only 8 square meters, is the bedroom and study room of Lu Xun. It is the famous "Tail of Tiger", and been called as "Greenwood Study Room" by Lu Xun. Its furnishings are quite simply. The west wing-room now becomes the exhibition room, which holds the Exhibition of "Lu Xun Lives at No. 21 of Xinsantiao in Beijing".

Address: No. 19, Gongwenkou Ertiao, Fuchengmenwai Street, Beijing
Zip code: 100034
Telephone: (010) 6616-5651
Traffic Route: Take bus Nos. 121, 102 or 103, please get off at Fuchengmen.
Hours: Open 9am-3:30pm, closed Mon
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it  

