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Home Electronics China (Suzhou) International Biotech Exhibition
China (Suzhou) International Biotech Exhibition

Date: November 18-21, 2011
Venue: Suzhou International Expo Center

"2011 China (Suzhou) International Biotechnology Exhibition"(2011shēng wù kē jì zhǎn 2011生物科技展) will be held 18-21 November 2011 at the Suzhou International Expo Centre. Special invitation to your organization to participate in the exhibition.

"China (Suzhou) International Biotechnology Exhibition" is the "Taiwan Biotechnology Month" extension, "Taiwan Biotechnology Month" has been successfully held in Taiwan, the ninth, which show the scale and expertise as the "Asia Pacific Biotechnology Section to show. " Bio China 2010 has been concluded, the exhibition successfully invited well-known to many industry exhibitors (such as: WuXi PharmaTech, China and the U.S. Crown, Zhao Yan, Medicines Group, Pegasus medicine, Eastern Swiss pharmaceutical, Wu medicine, Longliqi , Lei Yun Shang, Hong Kong, Taiwan enterprises), bio-technology industry at home and abroad gathered in the exhibition, and made remarkable achievements.

"2011 China (Suzhou) International Biotechnology Exhibition" successfully held in the last show, based on the combination of the three places biotechnology resources, continue to expand the international influence of the exhibition, by inviting the three places biotech companies and Japan, South Korea , India, Germany, the United States and other international companies together exhibitors, set the regional resources to create an international biotechnological companies in research and development, product access, technical personnel and other cooperation opportunities; build biotechnology information exchange of industrial applications, opportunities to share in the B2B platform .

Suzhou Municipal People's Government

China International Trade Promotion Committee Suzhou Committee
Suzhou Science and Technology Association

Suzhou City Drug and Food Administration
Bio-Industry Association, Taiwan
Chinese Herbal Biotech Development Association (Taiwan)

Handling unit
Suzhou ChengChuang Exhibition Business Co., Ltd. (Suzhou)
ZhaoZhan International Co., Ltd. (Taipei)
Paper Communication Exhibition Services (Hong Kong)

Bio-Medical Technology Association Suzhou

E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
TEL: +86-512-65772990
FAX: +86-512-65160996
Contractors: Gu Jianjun
MSN: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Suzhou ChengChuang Exhibition Business Co., Ltd.

Last Updated on Thursday, 13 January 2011 10:39