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Home Transportation 2011 Shanghai International Automobile Interiors and Exterior Expo (AIEE 2011)
2011 Shanghai International Automobile Interiors and Exterior Expo (AIEE 2011)

June 8-10, 2011
09:00-17:00, June 8-9, 2011
09:00-14:00, Juen 10, 2011
Venue: Shanghai mart (Yanan west 2299)

China has become a global manufacturing power and the largest first automobile car shoppers. With the overall quality of different brand automobile gap, win the market is no longer a car key quality of automobile interior trim, but the technology level. People get along with the car most of the time is in the car, car interior comfort, practicability and design level, has become the key factor decision car sales. By 2010, China's car is inside trim systems and is expected to reach 30 million yuan, automobile interior and exterior has become an independent industry potential extremely fast speed, is to penetrate into people's cars in the life, welcome the Chinese and the advent of car! "Shanghai international automobile interior trim and by the exhibition (shàng hǎi guó jì qì chē nèi shì yǔ wài shì zhǎn lǎn huì 上海国际汽车内饰与外饰展览会), referred to as" AIEE2011 asia-pacific region, is the first automotive interior and exterior field, the largest event in 2011, June 8 in Shanghai mart, grand exhibitors to strengthen international trade cooperation, expand brand publicity, to provide efficient communication platform.

Exhibits range
Automotive interior and exterior trim system and equipment, raw materials, chemical industry, products, technology, design, testing, assembly systems materials detection system and equipment. [AIEE] and provide all kinds of automotive interior and exterior solutions for suppliers, to domestic automobile interior trim a decorated with industry professionals display its products and services of precious opportunity.

Shanghai Fuyaya Expo Co., Ltd
Co- cooperate by
Guangzhou Zhengya Expo Co., Ltd

Approval unit
Shanghai commerce committee

Shanghai Fuyaya Expo Co., Ltd
Tel: +86-21-33518238
Fax: +86-21-33518239
Marketing manager: Mr Pan
E-mail: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it
Marketing promotion: Miss Liang
Tel: 86 21-33519437
Fax: 86 21-33519439
Email: This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it

Last Updated on Monday, 27 December 2010 12:41