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Home Travel in Liaoning Shenyang Guai Po (Magic Slope)
Shenyang Guai Po (Magic Slope)
Travel in Liaoning

Shenyang Guai Po

We know that go downhill is easy, and it is difficult to go up a slope because of the gravitation. However, there is a strange slope in Shenyang City (shěn yáng shì 沈阳市). The slope is more than 80 meters long and 15 meters wide. The car will go upwards along the slope automatically when shutting off the engine. That is Guai Po (guài pō 怪坡), a miraculous place for you to have fun. Now Guai Po has been developed into a scenic area with more than 20 tourism spots.

Guai PoShenyang Guai Po was found by a driver in 1990. He parked the car at the roadside and unexpectedly he found the car drove to the top of slope automatically under the unmanned situation. The car didn’t stop until the wheel is blocked by a stone. This strange phenomenon make the driver feel very puzzled. After that the slope was getting famous.

Xiangshan & Wengding
XiangshanXiangshan (xiǎng shān 响山)is a hill about 100 meters eastwards from Guai Po, you can hear special echo if you stomp. Wengding (wēng dǐng 嗡顶)is the top of the hill. If you hit the ground with a wooden stick you will hear another kind of strange voice. Xiangshan, Wengding and Guai Po are the "Three Mysteries" in Shenyang.

3 lakes and 1 spring
3 lakes and 1 spring refer to the Lihua Lake (lí huā hú 梨花湖) on the south of Guai Po, the Yueya Lake (yuè yá hú 月牙湖) on the north, the Yinshan Lake (yìn shān hú 印山湖) on the east and the Xiamei Spring (xiā mèi quán 霞妹泉).

Wolong MountainHere Wuyue (wǔ yuè 五岳) refers to the five mountains in the scenic area, they are Yunmao Mountain (yún mào shān 云帽山), Wolong Mountain (wò lóng shān 卧龙山), Guibei Mountain (guī bèi shān 龟背山), Changkong Mountain (cháng kōng shān 长空山) and Dagu Mountain (dà dú shān 大独山). The names all represent the features of the mountains. Yun means cloud, and Mao means hat. Mt. Yunmao is surrounded by clouds all the year just like a hat, so people named it as this. Wolong means a lying dragon, it describes the mountain shape. In addition, the foot of mountain is full of Acacia trees, every spring the flowers of those trees flies like snow, so people call it the snow of June. Changkong is named after a poem, which describes the blue sky and blue river. Dagu means being isolated; this mountain has such a name because it’s detached in three sides. Gui means turtle, there is a legend about it.

Legend of Xiamei Spring and Guibei Mountain
YudiThe water of Xiamei Spring is clear and sweet, the spring never freezes even in winter. It was called Dragon Spring long ago, because there was a dragon under the mountain and the spring came from the dragon’s mouth. At that time, the spring didn’t have water except in full moon. There was a fairy named Xiamei, she was the daughter of Yudi (yù dì 玉帝) the king of heavon, and was very kind and often treated poor people with herb fixing the spring’s water. She was loved by all villagers.

XiangshanOne spring, a turtle transformed into a Taoist and came to the village planning to build a temple beside the spring. He asked the local people to work for him, but they refused. The Taoist was so angry that he made a deluge and a great drought which destroyed the village, and then a plague broke out, death was around everywhere. Xiamei wanted to cure people with the spring water, but the spring was covered by a big stone which could not be broken. At that time, the God of earth told her that the stone was actually a door which could only be opened by a golden key kept by a serpent hidden in the cave faraway. Xiamei immediately went there and killed the serpent and got the key. With the help of her friend, she beat the turtle family and opened that door and saved a lot of people. From then on, the spring runs all around the year. It changed name to Xiamei Spring to memorize the kind-hearted fairy, and the three turtle transformed into three mountains around Yueya Lake called Guibei Mountain.

Address: the west forest downhill the Maoshan (mào shān 帽山), Qingshuitai Town (qīng shuǐ tái zhèn 清水台镇), Shenbei District (shěn běi qū 沈北区).
Transportation: Take bus No.328 or 331 or 330.
Tel: 86-024-89758143
Admission fee: CNY 27 for adults, free for children.
Opening hours: 7:00 to 18:00
• Hire a bicycle or car so that you can have a better feeling of Guai Po.
• It has Acacia Flower Festival every May and Pengen Temple Fair (péng ēn sì miào huì 鹏恩寺庙会) every April 18th of Chinese lunar calendar.