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Home Travel in Beijing Jingshan Park
Jingshan Park
Travel in Beijing


Jingshan Park (jǐng shān gōng yuán 景山公园), the highest point in Beijing City was built in 1179 during the Jin Dynasty and has a history of more than 800 years. This Park is located directly to the north of the Forbidden City's Shenwu Gate. Visitors will discover that Beihai Park is located directly to the west of Jingshan Park. Further north again from Jingshan Park, the Bell and Drum Towers are located at the top of Di An Men Da Jie.

Jingshan ParkInside Jingshan Park, an area of approximately 57 acres, is Jingshan Hill which rises to a height of 48 metres, and from its top visitors can oversight the entire city of Beijing. Jingshan Hill was built in 1420 during the Ming Dynasty and was initially called 'Long Live Hill' and then later was named 'Zhen Hill'. In later periods coal was piled at the foot of the hill and it became known as 'Mei Shan' (Coal Hill). However in 1655 during the Qing Dynasty the name was changed to Jingshan Hill, the name by which it is known today.

Jingshan Park is a beautiful imperial park and in former times belonged only to the emperors in the Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties (1271-1911). For their enjoyment they used to climb the hill, admire the scenery and eat and drink in the park.

On the summit of Jingshan Hill five scenery viewing pavilions were built, and from these the visitor can clearly see the layout of the Forbidden City. The highest pavilion is called Wanchun Pavilion (Ten thousand springs pavilion), and there are four other pavilions, two each on the east and west sides respectively of Jingshan Hill. Each of these pavilions contained a copper Buddha symbolizing the five kinds of tastes: acid, spicy, bitter, sweet and salty. However, in 1900 the Allied Forces of the Eight Powers looted four of these five Buddhas, and the fifth one was destroyed. The replacement Buddhas now seen in each pavilion were made in 1999.

Jingshan ParkAt the northern foot of Jingshan Hill is the Shouhuang Palace (Hall of Imperial Longevity), a special place to pay respects to the ancestors of the imperial family. To the east of the Shouhuang Palace are located the Yongsi and the Guande Palaces which were used to let the bodies of the dead emperors and empresses of the Qing Dynasty lie in state. Today the Shouhuang Palace is used as the Children's Palace of Beijing.On 17 March 1644 the last Ming Emperor Chongzhen was forced to flee to the eastern foot of Jingshan Hill where he hanged himself from a pagoda tree when the forces of Li Zi cheng captured the inner city of Peking (Beijing today). The original pagoda tree no longer exists, but the replacement tree has an historical storyboard attached to it to explain that era of Ming Dynasty history.

Since the establishment of the People's Republic of China in 1949, the Government has built many structures for the providing of services, and has also repaired some of the ancient buildings. In addition, many tall trees have been planted inside the park to restore it to its former beauty.

In recent years many shows have been held in the Jingshan Park, where there have been exhibitions of fish and flowers, notably the beautiful peonies for which the Park is famous. The best time for viewing the more than 200 varieties of peonies inside the park is from late April to mid-May. Visitors will really enjoy these displays.

Address:1 Wenjin Street,, Xicheng District
Post code:100034



Attractions nearby:
The forbidden City
Beihai Park

Opening Time
6:00 am to 9:00 pm in April, May, September, and Octorber
6:00 am to 10:00 pm in June, July, and Augest
6:00 am to 8:00 pm in January, February, March, November and December

Ticket Price
Student ticket RMB 1
For especial exhibition RMB 5

Bus Line


  • The hill is 48m high - this doesn't seem very high but Beijing is otherwise flat, the top offers good views, including the Forbidden City directly to the south.


  • JingShan is famous for its peonies. They have been planted in Jingshan since the Yuan Dynasty. Today the park has more than 1,000 peonies in 100 varietes The best time for viewing peonies inside the park is from late April to mid-May.


  • Like TianTan Park, JingShan Park is very popular with locals who gather in many groups to exercise, play music, sing and dance, especially on Sunday evenings here.