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Home Travel in Sichuan Qianfo Mountain
Qianfo Mountain

   Qianfo Mountain
Qianfo Mountain
(qiān fó shān 千佛山), located in Mianyang  City (mián yáng shì 绵阳市)of Sichuan Province (sì chuān shěng 四川省). It covers an area of about 220 square kilometers. The mountain is 3033 meters above the sea level, spanning on the south part of the Min Mountain Range (mín shān 岷山). With a long history, the mountain is rich in cultural connotation as well as the animal and plants.

Waterfall in Qianfo MountainIn Qianfo Mountain, there are various plants, with rare animals playing in the forests. In the virgin forest, there are the spruces erecting high to the sky; the huge crown of the Chinese dove trees is like an umbrella, which is covered with lots of flowers in bud. In Dingmuwan (dīng mù wān 丁木湾), there is a huge clove tree, which is 29 meters high. With a history of more than 3000 years, the trunk is so thick that five men can just get their arms around. Near the clove tree, there is a tea plant, called the King of Tea Plants (chá wáng 茶王). It is about 2000 years old, with the height of 13 meters, and a crown of 15 meters wide. From the top of the Qianfo Mountain to Tianma Mountain (tiān má shān 天麻山), there is an arrow bamboo sea, covering an area of more than 700 mu.

Cloud Sea in Qianfo MountainThe southwest part of the mountain is lofty cliff. In the deep valley formed by the cliff, there are waterfalls, pools. With the azaleas on the mountain slope and the cloud sea on the mountain top, there formed unique scenery. The scene in Qianfo Mountain is varied in different seasons. In spring, you can enjoy the blossom of azaleas, in summer, the waterfall will bring you to a cool world, in autumn the leaves turn red, and in winter the mountain is covered with snow.

On the top of the mountain, there is an ancient temple, which was originally constructed in Tang Dynasty (táng cháo 唐朝) and rebuilt in the Qing Dynasty (qīng cháo 清朝). Ruined by fire, there only left the stele on the front gate and the carved stone couplets.

Qianfo MountainStanding on the black walls of the ancient temp, overlooking the mountain, you can see two stone pillars erecting high to the sky, beside which there are two pools, one of which is called White Dragon Pool while the other called Black Dragon Pool. On the ridge of the south part of the mountain, there is a waterfall hanging there, which is 200 meters long and 10 meters wide, pouring down to the pool.

Qianfo Mountain
Anxian County (ān xiàn 安县), Mianyang City, Sichuan Province
Admission fee: CNY 100
Opening hours: all day
Transportation: you can take bus in the bus station opposite to the Mianyang Railway Station (mián yáng huǒ chē zhàn 绵阳火车站) to Qianfo Mountain