Huajiang Canyon (huā jiāng dà xiá gǔ 花江大峡谷) is located at the southwest of Guanling Buyi and Miao Ethnic Minority Autonoumous County (guān lǐng bù yī zú miáo zú zì zhì xiàn 关岭布依族苗族自治县), Anshun City (ān shùn shì 安顺市) of Guizhou Province (guì zhōu shěng 贵州省). It is about 8000 meters long, 3000 meters wide and 1000 meters deep. The canyon is the longest canyon in China. On both sides of the canyon, huge mountains are fluctuating, the cliffs tower to the sky and the vegetations are like the green sea. The Huajiang River (huā jiāng 花江) at the bottom of the canyon is flowing like a ribbon. The aboriginal flavor of Huajiang Canyon attracts large quantities of tourists from home and abroad.
Covering an area of about 300 square kilometers, Huanjiang Canyon can be divided into 5 parts, namely, Sanjiangkou Scenic Area (sān jiāng kǒu fēng jǐng qū 三江口风景区), Shanggua Scenic Area (shàng guā fēng jǐng qū 上瓜风景区), Xiagua Scenic Area (xià guā fēng jǐng qū 下瓜风景区), Balinghe Scenic Area (bà líng hé jǐng qū 灞陵河景区) and the Huanjiang Bridge Scenic Area (dà qiáo fēng jǐng qū 大桥风景区).
There are 9 scenic spots in Sanjiangkou Scenic Area, which are all distributing along the river. Within the area, you can see the flowing water of the river, the bold cliffs and the odd peaks. In Shanggua Scenic Area, there are monkeys and wild goats haunting. The major scenic spots here are the Ancient Courier Rout (gǔ yì dào 古驿道), White Horse Cliff (bái mǎ yán jué bì 白马岩绝壁), Luomang Village of Buyi Ethnic Group (luò mǎng bù yī zhài 落蟒布依寨) and Tiger Leaping Gorge (hǔ tiào xiá 虎跳峡). Xiagua Scenic Area gets the natural beauty, cultural relics and the folk customs together. The major scenic spots there are the Mamayan Wall Painting (mǎ mǎ yán bì huà 马马岩壁画), Ancient Tower (gǔ chéng bǎo 古城堡), Xiagua Waterfall (xià guā pù bù 下瓜瀑布) which is also called Mamayan Waterfall (mǎ mǎ yán pù bù 马马岩瀑布) and Jianshanguan Gorge (jiān shān guān xiá 尖山观峡).
Balinghe Gorge is located between Guansuo Mountain Ridge (guān suǒ lǐng 关索岭) and Shaijia Mountain (shài jiǎ shān 晒甲山). At the bottom of the canyon is the Baling River (bà líng hé 灞陵河), which is connected with Dishuitan Waterfall (dī shuǐ tān pù bù 滴水滩瀑布), and flowing to Dabang River (dǎ bāng hé 打邦河) to the lower reaches. On the two banks of the gorge, there are the villages of ethnic minorities, dotted with green bamboos and trees. In Shaijia Mountain, there is the mysterious Hongya Tianshu (hóng yá tiān shū 红崖天书), the book from the sky. There are the Yushu Tower (yù shū lóu 御书楼), Shuangquan Temple (shuāng quán sì 双泉寺), Mapao Well (mǎ páo jǐng 马刨井) and Daoba Well (dāo bà jǐng 刀把井) in Guansuo Mountain Ridge. In Huajiang Bridge Scenic Area you can enjoy the tranquil countryside and the ethnic folklore, which will make you relax.
Standing on Jiaozi Mountain Ridge (jiào zǐ lǐng 轿子岭), which is located beside Beipanjiang River (běi pán jiāng 北盘江), you can have a bird’s view of the whole canyon. Spanning on the Beipanjiang River, the Huajiang Chain Bridge (huā jiāng tiě suǒ qiáo 花江铁索桥) is built in the Ming Dynasty. It is 3 meters wide, 72 meters long and over 70 meters above the ground. The bridge is like a rainbow hanging between the cliffs. On the bridge, you can appreciate the precipitous cliff and the river flowing on the bottom.
Huajiang Canyon
Location: southwest of Guanling Buyi and Miao Ethnic Minority Autonoumous County
Admission fee: CNY 32
Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Transportation: you can take a bus from Guiyang City to Huajiang Town of Guanling County, which will cost you 25 yuan, and then take s minibus from Huajiang to Huajiang Canyon
Attractions nearby: Wulong Temple, Anshun Confucian Temple