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Home Travel in Guangxi Seven Stars Park
Seven Stars Park
Travel in Guangxi

               Camel Mountain
Seven Stars Park
(qī xīng gōng yuán 七星公园) is located on the east bank of Li River (lí jiāng 漓江) in Guilin City (guì lín shì 桂林市). It covers an area of more than 120 hectares, and it is the largest comprehensive park within the city. Standing on the Jiefang Bridge (jiě fàng qiáo 解放桥) and looking to the east, the four peaks of Putuo Mountain (pǔ tuó shān 普陀山) and the three peaks of Yueya Mountain (yuè yá shān 月牙山) form the shape of the Plough. People called them Seven Stars Mountain (qī xīng shān 七星山), hence the name Seven Stars Park. Within the park, the mountains are with great beauty, the waters are clean, the stone peaks are precipitous, and the caves are deep.

The major scenic spots there are the Flower Bridge (huā qiáo 花桥), Putuo Mountain (pǔ tuó shān 普陀山), Seven Stars Rock (qī xīng yán 七星岩), Camel Peak (luò tuó fēng 骆驼峰), Yueya Mountain, Longyin Cave (lóng yǐn dòng 龙隐洞), Guihai Forest of Steles (guì hǎi bēi lín 桂海碑林), Huaxiazhiguang Square (huá xià zhī guāng guǎng chǎng 华夏之光广场).

   Flower Bridge
Flower Bridge is the oldest bridge in Guilin, which is constructed during the Song Dynasty (sòng cháo 宋朝). It is spanning on the confluence of Xiaodongjiang River (xiǎo dōng jiāng 小东江) and Linjian Stream (líng jiàn xī 灵剑溪), with a whole length of 135 meters. On the bridge, there is a roofed corridor, covered with green glaze, while the body of the bridge is made of rocks. Every spring and summer, the flowers on both sides of the bridge are blooming, hence the name Flower Bridge.

Seven Stars RockPutuo Mountain is the main part of the park. It is made up of the four peaks of the Seven Stars Mountain, namely, Tianshu (tiān shū 天枢), Tianxuan (tiān xuán 天璇), Tianji (tiān jī 天玑) and Tianquan (tiān quán 天权). The mountain is 265 meters above sea level. Because there consecrate the Buddha Guanyin (guān yīn 观音), it got the name Putuo. There are many caves and pavilions in the mountain, among which the Seven Stars Rock is the most famous, and the Qixia Pavilion (qī xiá tíng 栖霞亭) and the Bixu Pavilion (bì xū tíng 碧虚亭) are the most unique. Seven Stars Rock is also called Qixia Cave (qī xiá dòng 栖霞洞) or Bixu Rock (bì xū yán 碧虚岩). there are various stalactites in the cave, including the pillars, curtains and flowers. And it is crowned as Fairy Cave (shén xiān dòng fǔ 神仙洞府). As early as in the Sui (suí cháo 隋朝) and Tang (táng cháo 唐朝) dynasties, the Seven Stars Rock was the tourist attraction. On the west slope of the mountain, there is the Yuanfeng Cave (yuán fēng dòng 元风洞), which is cool in hot summer. In the mountain, there are Putuo Stone Forest (pǔ tuó shí lín 普陀石林), Putuo Tower (pǔ tuó lóu 普陀楼), Guanyin Cave (guān yīn dòng 观音洞), Xuanwu Pavilion (xuán wǔ gé 玄武阁). Standing on the Zhaixing Pavilion (zhāi xīng tíng 摘星亭) on Tianji Peak, you can have a bird’s eye view of the Li River and the landscapes around.

Yueya MountainTo the south side of Putuo Mountain, there is the Yueya Mountain. It got the name because there is a crescent-shaped moon on the mountainside. There is the Yueya Tower (yuè yá lóu 月牙楼) on the mountain, which is famous for its vegetarian diet. Along the path to the southwest, you can get to Banyue Pavilion (bàn yuè tíng 伴月亭), where is the best place for you to watch the inverted image of the Flower Bridge in the clean water of Xiaodongjiang River. Go down to the south, you can see the Longyin Cave. On the roof of the cave, there is a zigzag dragon shaped stone cistern. And on the entrance of the cave, there are four Chinese characters “破壁而飞"(pò bì ér fēi), which means that the dragon flies to the sky through the walls. It is said that it is the place where the dragon flying to the sky.

The Stone Carving Picture on squareThe steles in Longyin Cave and the place nearby are called Guihai Forest of Steles. There are more than 220 carved tablets in total. The content of the steles are related to economy, military, culture and folk customs. And the forms include the poem, song, descriptive prose and couplets. All these are of importance for the historic research and great value of calligraphy.

At the back of the Putuo Mountain, there is a Camel Peak. It is like a crouched camel, hence the name Camel. In the late Ming Dynasty (míng cháo 明朝), there is a man lived seclusion here and planted many peach blossoms. In spring, the flowers are like red cloud, which is gorgeous.

Between the Putuo Mountain and Yueya Mountain, there is the Huaxiazhiguang Square, which covers an area of 13520 square meters. On the square there are two huge artworks. One is a stone-carving picture, which is made up of more than 100 stone carvings and includes the four great inventions of ancient China and the high technology. The other is a ding (dǐng 鼎), which is 4.6 meters high, and weighs 24 tons. It is carved by a whole piece of stone.

Seven Stars Park
No. 1, Qixing Road (qī xīng lù 七星路), Guilin City, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region (guǎng xī zhuàng zú zì zhì qū 广西壮族自治区)
Admission fee: CNY 35
Opening hours: 8:00 a.m. – 5:30 p.m.
Transportation: you can take bus No. 11, 18 and free bus No. 58 in Guilin, get off at the Seven Stars Park Stop.