The Grand Canyon of Western Zhejiang (zhè xī dà xiá gǔ 浙西大峡谷) is located at the joint border of Zhejiang (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省) and Anhui Province (ān huī shěng 安徽省). It extends from Mount Huang (huáng shān 黄山) and the water from the canyon is source for Qiantang River (qián táng jiāng 钱塘江). The canyon is high with rapid running water, in the shape of a long belt spanning the length of 80 kilometers. It is regarded as “the first Grand Canyon for tourism in the east China”. It is the canyon with the best reserved vegetation, the most beautiful scenery and the smallest resident population.
The canyon can be divided into three scenery sections altogether. The first one is the Longjing Canyon (lóng jǐng xiá 龙井峡), the length of which is about 18 kilometers. There are wonderful peaks and beautiful waterfalls in the canyon. The second scenery section is called Shangxi Canyon (shàng xī xiá 上溪峡), which is 26 kilometers long, with high peaks, grotesque rocks and rapid running water. The third one is the Zhemen Canyon (zhè mén xiá 浙门峡), spanning nearly 30 kilometer. Within this section, there are many big and stone caves. At present, there is only the Longjing Canyon opened to the public. The main scenic spots are the Cormorant Pool (lú cí tán 鸬鹚潭), Diaoshui Rock (diào shuǐ yán 吊水岩), Zhelin Waterfall (zhè lín pù 柘林瀑), Jianmen Pass (jiàn mén guān 剑门关), Laodui Brook (lǎo duì xī 老碓溪), White Horse Cliff (bái mǎ yá 白马崖) and Spotted Deer Park (méi lù yuàn 梅鹿苑).
Cormorant Pool is the first scenery spot as stepping into the canyon. It was once the inhabit place of the cormorant. The main scenery is the clean pool to the west side of the Shantian Bridge (shān tián dà qiáo 山田大桥). The Qingyu Hillock (qīng yǔ gǎng青羽岗) upon the pool is eroded by the flowing water, therefore, there are one thousand boils and a hundred holes on the surface of the hillock. On the top of the hillock, there is a pavilion, stepping down the hillock, there is the Wolu Stone (wò lú shí 卧鸬石), Huanlu Pavilion (huàn lú tíng 唤鸬亭), Feibai Cave (fēi bái dòng 飞白洞), etc.. Opposite to the pool there is the Baishi Rock (bái shí yán 白石岩).
White Horse Cliff is located in the Shangping Village (shàng píng cūn 上坪村). It is named after the horse-shaped peak in the village. Along the Shangping Stream (shàng píng xī 上坪溪), there is walks. Walking along it, tourist will see lots of gorgeous rocks, abrupt cliffs, and brooks.
Zhelin Waterfall is formed by two waterfalls altogether, namely the upper waterfall and the lower water fall. Between the two waterfalls there is a flat that can hold more than 1000 people, which attracts lots of tourist. The upper one is called Longmen Waterfall (lóng mén pù 龙门瀑), and the lower one is called Yansheng Waterfall (yán shēng pù 炎生瀑). Always the upper one is like a curtain and the lower one is like a belt. The pool under the the Yansheng Waterfall is called Yansheng Pool, which is in a pan bottom shape. It is 3 meters deep. It is said that there was once an old man, Yansheng, who makes wood charcoal always taking bath in the pool. But in one day, he disappeared when he was bathing. And the pool was named after the old man.
Jianmen Pass is the main scenic spot in the Grand Canyon. The five rocks which are in a line obstruct the Changbei Brook (chāng běi xī 昌北溪) and form the pass. In the mountains on both side of the brook there are two rocks which are in sword shape. On cliff of the mountain there are the Guanjing Flat (guān jǐng tái 观景台) and the Taojin Pavilion (táo jīn tíng 淘金亭). The Taojin Pavilion is high up in the air, towering aloft.
Grand Canyon of Western Zhejiang
Location: Daxiagu Town (dà xiá gǔ zhèn 大峡谷镇), Lin’an City (lín ān shì 临安市), Zhejiang Province
Admission fee: RMB 110
Opening hours: 7:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m.
Transportation: you can take a bus at the Hangzhou West Bus Station to get there directly