Nanxun (nán xún 南浔) is located in Huzhou City (hú zhōu shì 湖州市), Zhejiang Province (zhè jiāng shěng 浙江省). It is a famous historical and cultural town. Facing Tai Lake (tài hú 太湖) to the north, Su Zhou (sū zhōu 苏州) is in the east, and Wu Xing (wú xìng 吴兴) is in the west. Nanxun is the famous "land flowing with milk and honey (yú mǐ zhī xiāng 鱼米之乡)", home of the silk (sī chóu zhī fǔ 丝绸之府) and the nation of culture (wén huà zhī bāng 文化之邦). In 1991, it was regarded as the most famous one of the fifteen cultural cities in Zhejiang Province. Nanxun enjoys splendid natural resources. With a history of over 700 years, Nanxun is also a place full of historical interests.
The Nanxun Ancient Town is a famous historical and cultural town with a history of 1400 years. In the Southern Song Dynasty (nán sòng 南宋) (1127-1279), it was already a flouring town, and by the reign of Emperor Jiajin (jiā jìng 嘉靖) (1522-1567) of the Ming Dynasty (míng cháo 明朝), it became an important commercial town in Zhejiang because of the development of silk market and silk industry. The town includes three scenery areas.
The first area is in the Nanshi River (nán shì hé 南市河) and the Nandong Street (nán dōng jiē 南东街) and Nanxi Street (nán xī jiē 南西街). Mainly includes The Former Residence of Zhang Shiming (zhāng shí míng gù jū 张石铭故居), The Liu Ti Hao (liú shì tī hào 刘氏梯号), Nanxun Silk Assembly Hall (nán xún sī yè huì guǎn 南浔丝业会馆), Qiu Shu Li (qiú shù lǐ 求恕里), Nanxun Museum (nán xún shǐ guǎn 南浔史馆), The Silk and Bamboo House in Kangnam (jiāng nán sī zhú guǎn 江南丝竹馆), Guang Hui Bridge (guǎng huì qiáo 广惠桥) etc.. Here, the former residence of the famous persons, the antique streets and alleys and the picturesque river will make you feel the flourish of the Nanxun Ancient Town and the unique flavor of Kangnam Springside (jiāng nán shuǐ xiāng 江南水乡).
The second area consists of the Lesser Lotus Villa (xiǎo lián zhuāng 小莲庄), Jiayetang Library (jiā yè táng cáng shū lóu 嘉业堂藏书楼), Wen Garden (wén yuán 文园) and Kangnam Springside Street (jiāng nán shuǐ xiāng yī tiáo jiē 江南水乡一条街) etc.. Nanxun is always well-known for its garden and library, Lesser Lotus Villa and Jiayetang Library are the typical examples. Lesser Lotus Villa located in the bank of Zhegu Stream (zhè gū xī 鹧鸪溪), surrounded by green water. It is a famous private garden in south China, and over 30 bridges of the Song Dynasty (sòng cháo 宋朝). Jiayetang Library is one of the four ancient libraries in Zhejiang. It was built by Liu Chenggan (liú chéng gàn 刘承干), a famous bibliophile in the late Qing Dynasty (qīng mò 清末). The library has more than 600,000 books, among which there are many rare editions and single-copy editions. The Wen Garden, Kangnam Springside Street and Jiu An Aged Social Welfare Center (jiǔ ān lǎo nián shè huì fú lì zhōng xīn 久安老年社会福利中心) are the new sites developed by Jiu An corporation.
The third area mainly includes The Former Residence of Zhang Jingjiang (zhāng jìng jiāng gù jū 张静江故居) in the east of East Street (dōng dà jiē 东大街) and Bai Jian Lou (bǎi jiān lóu 百间楼). The East Street was the first commercial street in Nanxun Ancient Street. The south of it is Shi River, the two sides of the street are Wufu House (wǔ fú lóu 五福楼), Daqing House (dà qìng lóu 大庆楼), Tianyun House (tiān yún lóu 天云楼), Changxing House (zhǎng xìng guǎn 长兴馆), The mainland Hotel (dà lù lǚ guǎn 大陆旅馆) and Ye Biqi Chashinan Shop (yě bí qí chá shí nán huò diàn 野荸荠茶食南货店) etc..
People from different places have different culture. Nanxun people are very simplicity and kind-hearted. There were many historical figures in the ancient town, for example, the Min Kuo (mín guó 民国) wonder Zhang Jingjiang, Zhang Shiming --- one of the sponsers of Xiling Seal Society (xī líng yìn shè 西泠印社), Liu Chenggan --- the owner of the Jiayetang Library, the Four Xiang who built up their family fortune by selling raw silk --- Liu Yong (liú yōng 刘镛), Zhang Songxian (zhāng sòng xián 张颂贤), Pang Yunceng (páng yún céng 庞云曾), Gu Fuchang (gù fú chāng 顾福昌), the famous poet and prose writer Xu Chi (xú chí 徐迟) etc..
Address: No. 70 East Street in Nanxun Town, Huzhou City, Zhejiang Province
Admission fee: RMB 100
Opening hours: 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m.
Transportation: you can take No. 101 bus or special bus to get to there