Date: Oct. 26 - 29, 2009
Industry: Manufacturing & Processing Machinery,Transportation
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo Centre
City: Shanghai,China
Tel: +86-21-5045 6700
Fax: +86-21-6886 2355
Web: www.ptc-asia.com/index.php?scriptlet=CMS/Start&id=2&language=en
Event Profile
Since its inception in 1991, PTC ASIA has been successfully held 13times. It has established itself amongst the most important platforms in the power transmission and fluid power industry worldwide.
Exhibitor's Profile
-Fluid Power Transmission
Hydraulics, Pneumatics, Sealing Technology
-Mechanical Transmission, Parts and Equipment
Gears, Chain transmission, Belt transmission, Couplings & Brakes,
Fasteners, Springs, Powder metallurgical products, Various equipments and measuring instruments
Bearings and related components, Equipments for bearing production and machining, Related equipments for bearings and accessories
-Linear Motion Systems
Linear guides, Linear motion drive elements / drive systems, Linear
motion systems, Electromechanical actuators, Multiple system
-Electrical Power Transmission
Industrial motors, Servomotors, Frequency convertors, Electrical drives,
Electromagnetic equipment
-Compressed Air Technology
Compressors for compressed air production, Compressor accessories and
components, Compressed air processing, Compressed air storage and distribution,Vacuum technology, Heat exchangers
-Internal Combustion Engines and Small Gas Turbines
Internal conbustion engines, IC engin parts and accessories, R&D,production processing and measuring instruments
Deutsche Messe AG Hannover
Add:Messegelände D-30521 Hannover Germany
Tel: +49 (0)511 89 0
Fax: +49 (0)511 89 32626
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Web: www.messe.de/homepage_e
Hannover Fairs China Ltd
Add:Rm. 301, B&Q Pudong Office Tower
393 Yinxiao Rd, Pudong
Shanghai 201204
Tel: +86 21 5045 6700
Fax: +86 21 5045 9355
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Web: :www.hmf-china.com