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Home Travel in Beijing Bai Wang Shan Forest Park
Bai Wang Shan Forest Park
Travel in Beijing


Situated three kilometers north of the Summer Palace in Hai Dian District (hǎi diàn qū 海淀区), Bai Wang Shan Forest Park (bǎi wàng shān sēn lín gōng yuán 百望山森林公园) is the nearest forest parkland to Beijing. Covering an area of 167 hectares, the park is covered by arbors and shrubs, and has clean fresh air. The peak altitude is 210 meters, upright. Ascend to the peak, looking down the earth from a distance, there is magnificent scenery. It is worth ascending and visiting. It has lush forest, vegetation coverage rate reaches as high as 95 percent, and negative oxygen ions is rich in air, known as the oxygen source of Beijing.

baiwangshanEach autumn the mountain is beautifully decorated with splendid red foliage. The common smoke tree is the main species, while the intoxicating red leaves on the torch trees resemble countless burning torches on the mountain. Here, the autumnal shades are special for several reasons. The park has a great variety of trees, including a large quantity of mature maples. Besides, the geographical location of the park offers a superb habitat for these trees. Each year in October, Baiwangshan holds Red-Leave Festival during which period nearly up to a thousand red leaves seem to compete with each other, bright and intoxicating. Two best locations to appreciate red leaves o­n Baiwangshan: o­ne is a Youyi Booth (yǒu yì tíng 友谊亭); the other is Lanfeng Booth (lǎn fēng tíng 揽枫亭) stands o­n the top of the mountain.

baiwangshanA memorial hall in the park tells the story of over 200 revolutionary martyrs, and has a collection of precious photos, and letters of the forerunners. Besides, there are other places of historical interest, as a Sh'e Temple (shē tài jūn miào 佘太君庙), which is in memory of an outstanding heroine in the Northern Song Dynasty ( běi sòng 北宋) (960-1127).

The park also offers tourists various activities, like rock-climbing, orienteering, and a music bar on the top of the mountain. Twelve different rock-climbing routes, ranging from easy to difficult, provide for the enjoyment of those who love this sport.

There is also a special Stele Forest of Capital Green Culture, which is used to display the epigraph of the state leader and many renowned people and the works of the painting and calligraphy artists. The main aim of the stele forest is to spread the building of the green culture and maintain the traditional Chinese culture. Roaming on this land of rich artistic features, one can appreciate over 1,000 pieces of work by Chinese leaders, reputed public figures and noted artists. Among them, a stele pavilion was built in 1993 in commemoration of the 100th Anniversary of Chairman Mao. The white marble tablet in the pavilion bears Chairman Mao's inscriptions on both sides.

: RMB 6
Transportation: Take bus 330, 716, 718, 752, 909, 968 or 112 which can directly lead to there.
Parking availability: Yes.
Tel: 010-62884508