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Home Travel in Shaanxi Tang Paradise (大唐芙蓉园)
Tang Paradise (大唐芙蓉园)
Travel in Shaanxi

entrance to the Tang Paradise

Tang Paradise (Dàtáng Fúróng Yuán 大唐芙蓉园) is a large theme park near the city of Xi'an, in Shaanxi province, People's Republic of China. The park is at or near the site of an earlier garden complex in the Tang Dynasty, but consists almost entirely of modern construction.

in Tang Paradise

Near the Big Wild Goose Pagoda , Tang Paradise is a newly opened tourist attraction in April, 2005. Tang Paradise covers a total area of 1000 mu (about 165 acres) and of which 300 mu (about 49 acres) is water. This tourist attraction not only claims to be the biggest cultural theme park in the northwest region of China but also the first royal-garden-like park to give a full display of the Tang Dynasty's (618-907) culture. Altogether, twelve scenic regions are distributed throughout Tang Paradise to provide visitors with the enjoyment of twelve cultural themes and a perfect exhibition of the grandness, prosperity and brilliance of the culture of altthe Tang Dynasty.

The park features numerous buildings, squares, and gardens, all in a contemporary monumental style, but incorporating features of traditional Chinese architecture, such as eaves and cornices. Some features are named after historical sites or buildings.

The park is one of several modern reconstructions of ancient sites in Shaanxi, which involve anachronistic styles and features, most notably the use of wide stretches of concrete surfaces.

in Tang ParadiseWhat makes Tang Paradise incredible is that it is no longer the garden mode of only water and mountains in the Chinese traditional sense. The outstanding designers of the magnificent Tang Paradise have integrated almost everything representative of the Tang Dynasty, such as the poetry, the songs and dance, the marketplaces, the food, the women's lifestyles, and science into every site using cultural themes, thus endowing every place with its own story and its own place in the tapestry of Tang Dynasty culture.

In the large number of buildings at Tang Paradise, one may see almost all architectural types of characteristic of the Tang Dynasty. In addition there are establishments for relaxing and song and dance shows about the civilization of the Tang Dynasty. Strolling in Tang Paradise, you are assured to get a full enjoyment, making you feel as if you were in a fairyland.

Many firsts are created here: the first and largest scale of buildings modeled on the Tang style in China, the first and most considerable groups of sculptures to show the poetic culture in the Tang Dynasty in China, the first and biggest single architecture modeled on the Tang stylealt throughout China, the first theme park in China to cater to the five sense (vision, hearing, smell, touch and taste), the grandest fragrant project of the outdoors in the world, and the most spectacular water film on earth. Tang Paradise is praised as 'Garden of History', 'Garden of Spirit', 'Garden of Nature', 'Garden of Human Culture' and 'Garden of Art'.

The most special and amazing feast in Tang Paradise is taste. The word 'taste' here does not refer to the delicious smell of food, but means that the whole Tang Paradise, like a fair lady, is in Tang Paradisefull of aroma. Unbelievable, isn't it? But definitely true! You may wonder why. The secret is that there are incense burners here. Every few meters on both sides of the paths in Tang Paradise, there is an incense burner which looks like a street lamp. It is only 1.5 meters (about 5 feet) tall with incense coils burning inside. It is this fragrance that makes the whole place seem like mysterious Xanadu. Thus wherever you walk in Tang Paradise, assuredly, you can be embraced by its faint redolence.

In Tang Paradise, another surprising man-made wonder performanceis the water film which claims to be the foremost in the whole world. The screen of the movie is a film of water; thus it can create a special kind of optical effect which makes the frame tridimensional. When watching the movie, you can witness that the beautiful night and the fan-like water surface become an ingenious integration. Every time the figures in the movie appear on the screen, it seems that they are flying to the sky or coming down from the heaven which throws you into a wonderful and illusory feeling that you were personally on the scene. Splendid, indeed!

Opening Hours:09:00-22:00
Fees:CNY 68 for the Entrance Charge
        CNY 80 for the Pantomime 'Dream back to the Great Tang Dynasty'
Bus Route:21, 23, 24, 212, 237, 501, 601, 609, 715, 720, Tourist Bus No.8 (610) and No.4

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