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British Impression of China
Foreigners in China
When I came to China I had read many books to guide me whilst I was here. I was surprised though when some of my friends asked me not to go.

Many people in Britain, especially older people, see China as a poor country where people live in small houses and have no money. They think that in the East Japan is rich and prosperous whilst China is behind the times.

When I sent my friends pictures of Guangzhou, the tall skyscrapers, the beautiful streets, they were very surprised. They were also surprised to see how fashionable Chinese men and women were.

I think that as more travelers and guests visit China British people become more aware of what China is really like. Many of my friends would now like to visit and would be keen to make Chinese friends.

I think this is a good thing as I think Chinese people and British people have much in common and could be great friends. I think in a few years that British people will all see China for what it is, an advanced and prosperous nation.


China Yellow Pages