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Home Travel & Hotel Hotelex Shanghai
Hotelex Shanghai
Travel & Hotel

altDate: March 31- April 3, 2009
Venue: Shanghai New International Expo

Hotelex shows are the meeting point for the hospitality industry. Managers in the hospitality industry, manufacturers, traders and distributors know that Hotelex provides them an annual get together – to source, sell, network and understand the trends that will determine the future of Asian hospitality industry…

Hotelex Shanghai, a prime platform for hospitality product launches is a magnet for visitors to explore on the market opportunities in China and other parts of Asia. Your participating will mark your presence in Asia Market.


altFive points show the power of the brand – Hotelex


  • One of the biggest hospitality industry events in the region.
  • Meet over 100 visiting countries’ from Asia, Europe and America.
  • 17 years service of excellence with increased and specialized product categories.
  • A perfect venue paired with excellent infrastructure is waiting for you in an exciting city.
  • Meet the industry leaders and source from a wide and comprehensive selection of hospitality industry goods and service.

Event Profile

Hotelex Shanghai is an exhibition for Hotels, Restaurants & Catering is the first specialised exhibition in China targeting professionals of the industry of hospitality and dining out. A total experience for the Food Service and the Hospitality professional. If its used in a hotel or restaurant, Hotelex Shanghai exhibition for Hotels, Restaurants & Catering has every industry segment covered.

altVisitor's Profile

Directors of restaurants, cafes, bars, hotels, entertainment complexes, Head of confectioneries, bakeries, meat and fish processing factories, Representatives of tourist agencies, sanatoriums, health centre, Representatives of cleaning companies and laundries, Specialists of interior design, Representatives from Ministries, Embassies, Advertising agencies, press.

Exhibitor's Profile

Profile for exhibit includes Catering equipment, Refrigeration systems, Tableware & Silverware, Cutlery & crockery, Air conditioning & ventilation systems, Audio/visual equipment, Telecommunication, Laundry equipment, Furniture & furnishings, Lighting, Gifts & souvenirs, Fitness & gym equipment, Spas & saunas, Pool, Sports & leisure equipment, Bakery & Ice cream equipment, Food hygiene testing & monitoring technology & equipment, Beverage storage equipment.

altHotelex - The Future of Asian Hospitality

Five points of the powerful brand – Hotelex

  • A biggest hospitality industry event in the region;
  • An expectation of visitors from over 100 countries of Asia, Europe and America;
  • A well-trained team with 17 years’ experience and expertise in exhibition service;
  • A superb venue paired with updated facilities welcoming your visit to the show;
  • A unique PLAZA to meet industry leaders and source products and services from a great variety.
  • Hotelex makes the unlimited trading platform for Asian Hospitality

Hotelex shows are the meeting place for the hospitality industry. Managers, manufacturers, traders and distributors in this field know that Hotelex provides them an annual get together – to source, sell, network and understand the trends that will lead the future of Asian hospitality altindustry…

Hotelex Shanghai, a prime platform for hospitality product launches is a magnet for visitors to explore on the market opportunities in China and other parts of Asia. Your participating will enhance your presence in Asian Market.


Shanghai CMP Sinoexpo International Exhibition Co. Limited
10/F Xian Dai Mansion, 218 Xiang Yang Road (S ),
Shanghai, China.
Tel: +(86)-(21)-64371178
Fax: +(86)-(21)-64370982

Last Updated on Saturday, 26 September 2009 12:01