Beijing University of Chinese Medicine |
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Founded in 1956 the Beijing University of Chinese Medicine is one of the earliest established traditional Chinese medical institutions for higher learning in the People’s Republic of China. It is the only traditional Chinese medical higher learning institution that has a place in the “211 Project” for national development. The former Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and the former Beijing College of Acupuncture, Orthopedics and Traumatology merged into the new Beijing University of Chinese Medicine on July 31st, 2000, and became a priority university directly under the supervision of the Ministry of Education. At present, the University consists of the following schools and departments: School of Preclinical Medicine, School of Chinese Materia Medica, School of Acupuncture, Moxibustion & Tuina, School of Administration, School of Traditional Chinese Nursing, International School, School of Distance Education, School of Continuing Studies, School of Chinese Clinical Medicine, Department of Humanities & Social Science and Department of Chinese Medicine for Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macao. The university is striving to build a professional training system, emphasizing on high-level education ready for the new century. There are 9 majors in the university, namely, Chinese Medicine, Chinese Materia Medica, Pharmaceutical Engineering, Acupuncture, Moxibustion & Tuina, Public Industry Management (Health Industry Management), Business Administration (Chinese Herbal Medicine Business Management), Traditional Chinese Nursing, Medical English and Law (related to medicine), among which the 7-year program of the Chinese Medicine major, includes 9 training classes geared towards different directions such as traditional Chinese clinical medicine, clinical research, integrated traditional Chinese and Western medicine, acupuncture and tuina oriented towards international exchange, etc. These majors for different purposes are jointly trained with institutions such as the Nankai University, Tsinghua University, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing Normal University, and Sino-Japan Friendship Hospital. Up to September 2003, there are a total of 16,160 students in the campus, among which 5,950 are undergraduates and vocational training students, 688 master’s degree candidates, 356 doctorate degree candidates, 758 foreign students from 41 countries and regions, 416 students from Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macao, 4,897 distance education students and 3,095 continuing education students. The university is among the first batch of traditional Chinese medical institutions to establish the Ph.D. program and the post-doctoral research stations. The 3 first-grade subjects, namely Chinese Medicine, Chinese Materia Medica, and Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, have the right to grant doctorate degree, so do all the second-grade subjects for master’s degree. The university now has 6 state-level subjects, 10 ministry- and bureau-level subjects, 3 Beijing municipality-level subjects, with 3 post-doctorate stations in Chinese Medicine. The key subjects of our university is in the leading position among the country’s traditional Chinese medical institutions. 北京中医药大学创建于 1956 年,是中华人民共和国最早成立的高等中医院校之一,是唯一一所进入国家“ 211 工程”建设的高等中医药院校。 学校现设有基础医学院、 第一临床医学院、第二临床医学院、第三临床医学院、中药学院、针灸学院、管理学院、护理学院、人文学院、国际学院、继续教育学院、远程教育学院、台港澳中医学部、高职部、体育部、信息中心等教学机构。 学校致力于构建面向新世纪的以高层次教育为主的人才培养体系,目前设有中医学、中药学、制药工程学、针灸推拿学、公共事业管理学、工商管理学、护理学、英语(医学)、法学(医药卫生) 9 个本科专业。其中中医学七年制含中医科研方向、中医临床方向、中医骨伤方向、中西医结合方向、中药方向、针灸推拿方向、针推康复方向、针推对外交流方向、医院管理方向等 9 个培养方向班,分别与南开大学、清华大学、北京师范大学、对外经济贸易大学和中日友好医院等单位联合培养。 Address: 11 Bei San Huan Dong Lu, Chao Yang District,
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