Nanjing Normal University |
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Nanjing Normal University(NNU) is an old university with a history of over one hundred years. Quite old thougt it is, NNU is still advacing. It is a key university of Jiangsu Province, and is even among those universities of “211 Project” which is fully backed up by the government. To investigate into its origin, you may go back to the Sanjiang Teachers College in the late Qing Dynasty, which was promoted in 1902 by Zhang Zhidong, governor of Jiangsu and Zhejiang Province. Later, it turned to be Lianjiang Teachers College and finally became the ‘South Normal School ’ of China, which gestated the mature school-running system of China’s higher education for teachers. In 1952, there was an amendment of all departments and schools of Chinese universities and colleges. Therefore, Nanjing Normal School was founded on the foundation of some schools and departments of former Nanjing University and Ginlin University. A little later, it renamed Nanjing Normal University in January, 1984. And in March, 2000, Nanjing Advanced College of Dynamics was merged into. At present, the whole NNU compromises of three campuses: ‘Suiyuan Campus’, ‘Xianlin Campus’ and ‘Zijin Campus’, covering a total area of 200001000m2 (i.e. over 3100 mu) and a tectonic coverage of 840000m2. On campus, flowers are fragrant, grass green, ancient trees towering and surroundings charming. That is why it is named by people both home and abroad as ‘the most beautiful campus in the east’. Xianlin Campus locates the scenic area in east suburbs of Nanjing. Occupying around 1.02 km2, it is environed with the Bell Mountain scenic area, the Xixian scenic area and the Tangshan Mountain area, with enchanting natural beauty and international standard entiroment. Nanjing Normal University is one of the cradles of China’s higher education for teachers. During the development more than one century, many famous educationists of modern China have taught here in succession, such as Tao Xingzhi, Chen Heqin, Wu Yifang and so on. With the hardy efforts of several generations, NNU has formed a style of study, focusing on educational practice, and a school spirit of ‘preciseness, plain, push and dedication’. Now, it has turned to be a comprehensive normal university with rounded system as well as complete subjects covering social science, history, philosophy, science, engineering, pedagogy, economics, law, art and physical education. 南京师范大学坐落在六朝古都南京,是国家“211工程”重点建设的江苏省属重点大学。它的主源可追溯到1902年创办的三江师范学堂,后历经两江优级师范学堂、南京高等师范学校、东南大学、第四中山大学、江苏大学、中央大学、南京大学等时期;其另一源头为1888年创办的汇文书院,后发展为私立金陵大学,1951年与私立金陵女子文理学院(曾称私立金陵女子大学)合并,成立公立金陵大学。1952年全国高校院系调整时,在原南京大学、金陵大学等有关院系的基础上组建南京师范学院。1984年改办成南京师范大学。2000年南京动力高等专科学校并入。目前,学科已涉及文、史、哲、教、理、工、经、法、管、农、医等门类。 南京师范大学是中国高等师范教育的发祥地之一。在百余年发展历程中,著名教育家李瑞清、郭秉文、陶行知、陈鹤琴、吴贻芳等曾先后在此主政,词学大师唐圭璋、人文地理学家李旭旦、苔藓学家陈邦杰、心理学史专家高觉敷、艺术大师徐悲鸿、张大千、傅抱石等诸多名师大家曾在此执教。目前更有一大批国内外知名的专家学者在此潜心耕耘,著书立说,培育后学。经过一代又一代南师人薪火相继、身教言传,历史性地生成了“严谨朴实”的学术品格,育就了“以人为本”的厚生传统,砥砺出“团结奋进”的拼搏意识,塑造了“追求卓越”的创新精神。学校以“正德厚生、笃学敏行”为校训,形成了“严谨、朴实、奋发、奉献”的优良校风。 南京师范大学拥有仙林、随园、紫金三个校区,占地面积2009905.77平方米,建筑总面积约1021428.49平方米。设有学院22个,独立学院2个,共有在职教职工3295人,其中正高级职称394人,副高级职称799人,专任教师和专职研究人员1715人,中国科学院院士1名,教育部创新团队1个、长江学者特聘教授1名,国家级教学团队2个、教学名师3名;共有在校普通本科生15277人(不含独立学院),博士研究生684人,硕士研究生5924人,在职人员攻读硕士学位研究生3835人,成人高等学历教育在籍生9761人。拥有一级学科博士学位授权点7个,二级学科博士学位授权点82个,一级学科硕士学位授权点21个,二级学科硕士学位授权点168个,专业硕士学位授权点4个,本科专业76个,博士后流动站10个。拥有国家重点学科6个、国家重点(培育)学科3个,江苏省一级学科重点学科7个,江苏省重点学科20个(含国家重点学科培育点6个),国家级精品课程7门,国家双语教学示范课程5门,国家文科基础学科人才培养和科学研究基地、国家理科基础学科研究和教学人才培养基地、国家体育与艺术师资培养培训基地、教育部高校辅导员培训和研修基地、大学生文化素质教育基地、国家级人才培养模式创新实验区各1个,国家特色专业建设点3个,以及4个省级人才培养培训基地(中心)。拥有各级各类研究机构131个,其中教育部人文社会科学重点研究基地1个,国家体育总局体育社会科学重点研究基地和体育文化重点研究机构各1个,全国妇联妇女与性别研究与培训基地1个,江苏省哲学社会科学重点研究基地2个,江苏省老年学研究基地1个;教育部重点实验室1个,国家重点实验室培育建设点1个,江苏省重点实验室7个,江苏省工程研究中心2个,江苏省科技公共技术服务平台1个;校重点研究机构27个。图书馆总建筑面积约35000平方米,馆藏总量278.28万册(含电子图书8.83万册)。 南京师范大学一贯重视对外交流与合作,是全国首批对外开放高校之一,是国家对外汉语教学基地和首批华文教育基地。拥有联合国教科文组织国际农村教育研究与培训中心南京基地等4个国际性人才培养培训基地,与世界上23个国家和地区的108所大学建立了校际交流关系,每年接受外国留学生1000余人。在塞尔维亚贝尔格莱德大学、美国北卡罗来那州立大学建有孔子学院2个。 LANGUAGE STUDENTS 1. Applicant’s Eligibility And Materials Required: 2. Registration Schedule: 3. Application Procedures: 4. Term Of Study: 5.Registration Procedures: Students can register online on the mainpage of the Nanjing Normal University College for International Students. Complete the registration form for Foreign Students and mail all required documents and registration fee to the Nanjing Normal University College for International Students Office no later than one week. Registration fee must be in the form of a money order with the same last name as provided on the registration form, followed by obtaining an "Admission Notice" and a "Visa Application for Study in China"(JW202 Form). 6.Tuition 7.Lodging Expenses 8.Contact Information Chinese Study | Top Universities in China | Mandarin Class
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