University of Electronic Science and Technology of China |
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Located in Chengdu, a time-honored city famous for its history, culture and landscapes, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC) is reputed as " the cradle of China ’s national electronic industry ". In 1956, the inception of Chengdu Institute of Radio Engineering (CIRE), now UESTC, ushered in the first higher education institute of electronic information of new China under Premier Zhou Enlai's personal disposal and care. CIRE was, and then created from combination of the electronic divisions of such well-established universities as Jiaotong University, Nanjing Institute of Technology and South China Institute of Technology. As early as in the 1960's, it was ranked as one of the nation's key higher education institutions. In 1997, UESTC was included in the first group of universities in the "211 Project", a national program of promoting China 's higher education. In September 2001, UESTC was selected as one of the Chinese universities that gain special financial support from both the Ministry of Education and the local Provincial Government ( Project "985") . Today UESTC has developed into a multidisciplinary university directly under the Ministry of Education, which has electronic information science and technology as its nucleus, engineering as its major field, and incorporates science, management and liberal arts. UESTC now consists of 13 schools and the Department of Physical Education, plus Chengdu College and Zhongshan Institute. It offers 41 undergraduate programs, 62 master-degree granting programs, and the MBA and Engineering master programs. UESTC has 36 specialties authorized to confer PhD and 9 for post doctorates. UESTC is known as the only higher institute in China , which covers all the 6 state key disciplines in electronics and information science. UESTC has two campuses, occupying 2.67 km2 with a total floor space of over 1 km2. It possesses 25,000 sets of equipment, a library of over three million volumes, and a modern stadium with 3,000 seats. Its fixed assets reach 400 million RMB as well as the modern public facilities. UESTC has more than 3, 000 faculty members, of whom 6 are academicians of CAS & CAE, 196 are PH.D tutors, 294 are full professors and 471 are associate professors. UESTC has a current enrollment of 26,000 students, including 1, 000 PhD candidates and postgraduates. Since its foundation in 1956, UESTC has trained over 80,000 graduates for the country. In 2001, the campus took on a new look under the restructured and strengthened leadership. Encouraged by the spirit of "strive for the excellent; never settle for being adequate". The new leadership started a new way to make UESTC prosperity. That is, to merge its development with the local construction; to seek support with the best service, to strive to advancement with contributions, to develop UESTC into the resources of High Technologies and the base of cultivating talents with creativity; to run UESTC into a global university featured in electronics and information science. The leadership attaches equal importance to its strategic goal: that is, to turn UESTC into the first-class university leading the world in electronics and information science. The implementation consists of two stages: by 2016, turning UESTC into one of the best universities in China , and by 2036 one of the best universities with the world reputation. 学校占地4000余亩,设有研究生院和13个学院(部),另有示范性软件学院、继续教育学院、职业技术学院和网络教育学院以及电子科技大学成都学院、电子科技大学中山学院两个独立学院。全校教职工3400余人,其中专任教师1900余人,教授325人,包括中国科学院、中国工程院院士6人,国务院学位委员会学科组委员4人,长江学者特聘教授、讲座教授18人,国家杰出青年科技基金获得者11人,国家自然科学基金委创新群体1个,教育部创新团队2个,以及国家有突出贡献的中青年专家、国家级教学名师奖获得者、全国优秀教师、全国师德先进个人等一批有突出贡献的专家。现有各类全日制在读学生25000余人,其中博士、硕士研究生近9000人 Office of International Cooperation and Exchange Address:No.4,Section 2,North Jianshe Road,Chengdu,P.R.China 610054 Learn Chinese | Study in China | Universities in China
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