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Yunnan University
Colleges and Universities

Yunnan University was founded in December 1922, and it started to enroll its students on April 20th 1923. The name of Yunnan University has for six times been changed in the past 80 years. It started as the privately run University of the Eastern Land and has thus far been developed into the only key national general university in the province of Yunnan, having trained for the society over seventeen thousand specialized professionals in various fields. Currently, Yunnan University is among sixty-one “211 Project” universities in China authorized by the Chinese central government to be specially developed. Yunnan University has also been put into the list of the key national universities for the special construction in the national program of the Western China Development.

Yunnan University has a glorious history behind it. During the period from 1937 through 1947, the noted mathematician Professor Xiong Qinglai was invited to assume the position of President of Yunnan University, under whose leadership Yunnan University was being built following the academic format of Tshinghua University. A galaxy of the famous scholars such as Fei Xiaotong, Chu Tunan, Chen Xingshen, Hua Luogen, Yan Jici, Feng Youlan, Lu Shuxiang, etc. came to teach in Yunnan University at the invitations, thus gradually turning Yunnan University into a general university that has exerted a certain degree of academic influence at home and abroad. In 1946, Yunnan University was put into the world-known Concise Encyclopedia Britannia as one of the fifteen internationally prestigious universities in China.  

Yunnan University is situated in the city of Kunming - the provincial capital of Yunnan. It faces the Green Lake --- a winter haunt for Siberian seagulls and next to the Yuantong Hill --- a zoological park known for the animals and birds of rare species, occupying an area of 426,669 square meters in which 350,000 square meters are of the classrooms and other teaching-related buildings. The campus of Yunnan University is covered with the green shades of exuberant ginkgoes and cherries under which are the patches of fragrant orchids and narcissuses, and blocks of teaching buildings, library buildings, laboratory buildings, etc. stand out among a riot of colors of the blooming flowers. Such picturesque surroundings in a salubrious climate of the lasting spring are really ideal for study and other academic pursuits.

Yunnan University has now developed into a key national institute of higher education with a large group of academic professionals offering all the courses covered by the complete curricula in the fields of liberal arts, law, science, technology, economy, and management. The students currently studying on the campus of Yunnan University have reached 19,872 persons, of whom 9,919 are the full-time undergraduate students, 2,853 are postgraduate students (94 persons are studying for their doctorate degrees, 684 persons are studying for their master’s degrees, 1,842 persons are studying the advanced courses in the postgraduate classes, 170 persons are studying for their degrees in the specialized law classes, and 63 persons are studying for their degrees in the advanced class organized for teachers), and 7,100 are students under the programs for the night university and correspondence university students. 



Adds:No. 2 Cuihu North Road, Kunming, China   650091
Tel:+86-871-5033815 / 5033814 / 5031154
Fax:+86-871-5183424  Web:

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