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The International College of Beijing (ICB) is an integral part of China Agricultural University (CAU). ICB was founded on April 20th, 1995, as the result of a joint venture educational program between itself and the University of Colorado at Denver (UCD). The agreement reached between UCD and Chinese educational authorities, which led to the creation of the International College of Beijing, is now recognized as being among the first bilateral educational programs authorized by the Chinese government. In April, 1988, ICB started the cooperation with the University of Luton, UK, and was formally accepted as one of the first joint venture educational schools by the Beijing Institute of Education. Recently a new joint venture educational program has been planning and preparing, which would help ICB develop better in the future. ICB currently has more than 900 students enrolled on its campus. This figure includes a number of international students. In the past few years ICB has successfully created and set up the language Research and Training Center, the Media Library, the Multimedia Computer Lab, and the Media Research Center. These facilities have greatly increased the efficiency and quality of the academic program offered by the International College at Beijing and its UK Luton Partner. After over 10 years of hard work and rapid development, the results have been greatly rewarding. ICB has become a highly respected international educational institution, which has at its disposal a competent faculty, advanced teaching facilities and a high standard of education.
国际学院是中国农业大学在经济全球化的背景下,遵循高等教育原理和规律,深化教育改革的一项创新、优化的改革成果。国际学院隶属于中国农业大学,是中国农业大学的13个学院之一,是中国农业大学与美国、英国合作办学开办的一所国际化高等教育机构,旨在为社会培养国际化、复合型的高级专业技术人才。 国际学院于1995年4月经国家农业部批准、原国家教育委员会备案成立。1995年,同美国科罗拉多大学建立了合作关系,同年10月,通过美国中北部高等教育评估委员会(NCA)的学历教育评估;1998年,获得国务院学位委员会批准在中国境内授予美国科罗拉多大学学士学位;1998年4月,与英国贝德福德大学(原鲁顿大学)正式建立合作关系;1998年,获得北京市首批中外合作办学许可证,获准在本科和研究生学历教育层次上合作办学;2003年,同英国普利茅斯大学签署了合作协议,正式建立了合作关系 入学途径: 申请手续: 招生专业目录: 申请条件:具有相当于中国高级中学毕业学历者 硕士生招生专业 / 普通进修生(学制: 3年/1-3年) 申请条件:具有本科或相当于本科学历者 博士生 / 高级进修生 (学制:3年/1-3年) 申请条件:具有硕士或相当硕士学历者 注:不具备汉语能力者,须先补习一年汉语。 FAX: 010 6273 1055 Best Universities in China | Chinese Study | Learn Chinese in Beijing
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