The Central University for Nationalities (CUN) is one of China’s most important comprehensive universities, and it is one of the 38 key universities receiving direct development support from the Chinese government. The goal for the Central University for Nationalities is to build up as “a first-class ethnic university in the world”.
The Central University for Nationalities has an advantageous geographical position, being located in an urban district of Beijing, and transportation is very convenient. There are many buses and a subway outside the front gate of CUN. CUN is situated in a university district, near the National Library to its south, and the Chinese “Silicon Valley”-Zhong Guan Cun high-technology industry base to its north. It has a beautiful flower-garden style campus, something rarely seen in northern China.
党和国家历届领导集体始终关心和重视中央民族大学的建设和发展。建校初至1966年,毛泽东、刘少奇、周恩来、朱德等党和国家领导人先后14次接见学校师生代表。改革开放以后,邓小平3次接见师生代表。1993年学校更名为中央民族大学时,国家主席江泽民同志为学校题写了新校名。2001年6月,学校50周年校庆之际,国务院总理朱镕基同志到校视察,并代表中央政府提出了“把中央民族大学建成世界一流的民族大学”的奋斗目标。同年,胡锦涛、李岚清等国家领导人亲自审批了国家民委、教育部、国家计委、财政部四部委联合上报的《关于进一步办好中央民族大学的请示》。2002年6月,国家民委、教育部、北京市人民政府签署了《关于重点共建中央民族大学的协议》。在党和国家的高度重视下,学校1979年被批准为国家重点大学,1999年成为 国家“211工程”重点建设大学,2004年成为国家“985工程”重点建设大学。
Category of international students, enrollment and application time
Non-degree students
Long-term Chinese language student
The duration of study lasts for one semester or more. School starts at the beginning of each March and September, enrollment is for whole year. Based on students’ Chinese level, classes are divided into five levels: complete beginner, beginner, elementary, intermediate and advanced. Classes provided are small (with 5-15 students), for 20-24 class hours each week. Required Chinese courses cover basic Chinese, listening, speaking, reading, writing and so on, elective courses cover Chinese minority dance, music, drawing, Chinese calligraphy, paper-cut, martial art, Minorities’ language and more. During the period of study many practice activities will be arranged, such as visiting the famous historic sites in Beijing and Chinese ethnic minority families, watching Peking opera, Chinese acrobatic shows, and being introduced to Chinese students as study partners.
Students in the study of minority languages
The duration of study lasts for one semester or more. School starts at the beginning of each March and September, and enrollment is for a whole year. There is language instruction in Tibetan, Uygur, Kazakh, Miao, Manchu, Mongolian, Korean, Yi, Dai, Zhuang, Hani, Bai, Naxi, and so on.
Chinese ethnic minorities in English series
The duration of study lasts for one semester or more. School starts at the beginning of each March and September, and school enrolls for a whole year. Chinese minorities’ culture courses are taught in English, in such areas as Chinese ethnology, Chinese south-west minorities, Chinese north-west minorities, Chinese southern minorities, Chinese northern minorities and so on, and assistances is provided in arranging field research.
General advanced student
Duration of study lasts for one semester or more. School starts at the beginning of each March and September. Applications should be made two months prior to the start of courses. Students can choose from any of the bachelor’s degree majors, and study together with Chinese students.
Senior advanced student
Duration of study lasts for one semester or more. School starts at the beginning of each March and September. Applications should be made two months prior to the start of courses. Students can choose from any of the master’s degree and doctorate majors, pursuing studies on a certain subject under the direction of professors at CUN.
“One-to-one” tutorial student
Courses start at any time, with application made at least two weeks in advance. Study covers Chinese language, languages of Chinese ethnic minorities, Chinese cultures, music, dancing, and other fields as arranged.
Chinese language transfer student (join a class in the middle of courses)
Courses start at any time, but students must have a previous foundation in Chinese language learning. Application must be made at least two weeks in advance.
Chinese languages and cultures short-term courses
Besides for regular courses, CUN can arrange additional short-term Chinese language and culture courses based on the requirements of foreign partner colleges and universities, friendship groups, study abroad agencies and individuals.
Short-term Chinese language courses focus primarily on Chinese listening and speaking. Based on students’ Chinese level, classes are divided into four levels: beginner, elementary, intermediate and advanced. Classes are small, with 15-20 students.
Chinese ethnic cultures courses: These include Chinese language classes, lectures on Chinese history and Chinese ethnic minorities cultures, delivered in Chinese and English. Arranged visits to Chinese ethnic minorities’ families and gardens, famous historic sightseeing and so on in Beijing, are included.
Chinese calligraphy and painting courses: Full-time teachers from the Fine Art Department of CUN teach Chinese calligraphy and Chinese traditional painting theory and technique.
Chinese ethnic musical instruments courses: Full-time teachers from Music Department of CUN teach the playing techniques for Chinese traditional ethnic musical instruments such as alto fiddle, pi-pa, Koto and so on.
Chinese ethnic dance courses: Teachers of ethnic dance from Dance Department of CUN teach the main representative dances of Chinese ethnic minorities.
Chinese ethnic languages courses: Linguists of CUN teach languages of Chinese ethnic minorities such as Tibetan language, Uygur language, Manchu language, Mongolian language and so on.
The College of International Education announces the short-term schedules for winter and summer vacation every year on its website. Generally the duration of short-term courses is from 4 to 6 weeks. The schedules also can be adjusted at the request of applying groups. Fees are set based on content, course duration, and the number of students. Application should be two months in advance.
Application Method and Procedures
Application Method、
All those self-supporting international students should apply directly to the International Students Office of College of International Education at CUN.
Application Procedures
Step 1: Fill out Application Form for Foreigners Wishing to Study at CUN on the website of the College of International Education at CUN and send it to the email address for applications (listed below), or mail it directly to the International Students Office of College of International Education at CUN.
Step 2: In at most two weeks after receiving the application, the International Students Office with send the admitted applicants a CUN Admission Notice, a Visa Application Form (JW202 to self-supporting students, or JW201 to Chinese government scholarship students), and a “Physical Examination Report for Foreigner”(the physical examination is needed if the duration of study in China is more than 6 months; this exam can be taken in one’s own country or in China after arrival).
Step 3: After receiving the CUN Admission Notice, and the Visa Application Form (JW202 to self-supporting students, or JW201 to Chinese government scholarship students), the admitted student should then apply to the Chinese Embassy (or Consulate) which is in his or her own country for the X visa (student visa), or the F visa (visit visa) if the duration of study is less than 6 months.
Step 4: The admitted student must bring the CUN Admission Notice, and the Visa Application Form (JW202 to self-supporting students, or JW201 to Chinese government scholarship students), and register at the International Students Office at Central University for Nationalities during the register time specified on the CUN Admission Notice. Students who do not report during the specified period will lose their student status. Exception can be made for those students who have informed the school of their special reasons for not registering on time, and whose delay has been approved by the International Students Office in advance.
● 汉语短期班:主要以口语和听力为主,根据学生汉语水平,分成入门班、初级班、中级班和高级班进行教学。小班授课(15-20人)。
● 中国民族文化班:主要内容有汉语课、中国历史讲座和中国少数民族文化讲座等,用汉语、英语授课。结合教学组织参观民族家庭、民族风情园和北京名胜古迹等。
● 中国民族乐器学习班:主要由我校专职教师教授二胡、琵琶和古筝等中国传统民族乐器的演奏技巧。
● 中国民族舞蹈学习班:主要由我校舞蹈系的民间舞教师教授中国主要少数民族的代表性舞蹈。
● 中国民族语言班:主要由我校少数民族语言教师教授藏语、维吾尔语、满语、蒙语等。国际教育学院每年会在网站上推出寒假和暑假期间的短期班招生计划,一般为4-6周。我校也可以按照申请团体希望的时间和内容安排,具体费用按学习内容、时间和人数而定。入学申请时间为学习开始时间前2个月。
★ 申请办法
★ 申请步骤
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